1st Edition

Use of Biomarkers for Environmental Quality Assessment

    This work is primarily designed for any person or organization in charge of assessment of the quality of natural resources and of pollution prevention.

    Introduction: biomarkers as tools for environmental quality assessment; history - biological basis of the use of biomarkers in ecotoxology; biochemical indicators of pollution in coastal ecosystems: experience of the Groupe Interface Chimie-Biologie des Ecosystemes Marins (GICBEM); application of EROD in marine fish in a multidisciplinary surveillance programme in the North Sea; use of EROD and PAH distribution in marine organisms; use of EROD enzymatic activity in freshwater fish; biomarkers of exposure of terrestrial plants to pollutants: application to metal pollution; endocrine biomarkers: hormonal indicators of sublethal toxicity in fishes; use of retinoids as biomarkers; molecular, genetic and population bases of insect resistance to insecticides.


    Jean-Claude Amiard (Author) ,  Thierry Caquet (Author) ,  Laurent Lagadic (Author)