1st Edition

Piano-Hinged Dissections Time to Fold!

By Greg N. Frederickson Copyright 2006

    A dissection involves cutting a polygon into pieces in such a way that those pieces form another polygon; for a hinged dissection, the pieces must be attached by hinges. A piano hinge is "a long narrow hinge with a pin running the entire length of its joint." So, unlike regular hinged dissections, which swing or twist (around single point of hinge), piano-hinged dissections fold along an edge. This book discusses the history, methods, and variations of these dissections and is rich with illustrations that clearly depict the cuts of the dissections and three-dimensional simulations of the dissections in the process of being folded. The downloadable resources include video recordings of select dissections being transformed accompanies the book.

    1. Time to Fold 2. What’s the Flap? 3. Swingers and Twisters 4. Willing Converts 5. Quad Squad 6. Thinking Inside the Box 7. Hole in One 8. Square Tactics 9. Triangle, Triangle Again 10. Hexagons, Triangles, Squares—Oh My! 11. Out of the Loop 12. From FIFI to ZULU, and Back! 13. Intensive Square 14. Staying Rational 15. Double-Crossed!! 16. Stargazing 17. Manifold Blessings 18. A Mixed Bag 19. Pot Luck 20. Puzzles Unfolded


    Frederickson, Greg N.