1st Edition

Statistical Thermodynamics and Properties of Matter

By L. Couture, R. Zitoun Copyright 2000
    628 Pages
    by CRC Press

    Statistical Thermodynamics and Properties of Matter is written with the advanced undergraduate and graduate student in mind. Its aim is to familiarize the student with the approach that a physicist would take, for example, when tackling problems related to quantum mechanics or thermodynamics.

    1. Entropy and the Boltzmann Relation 2. The Various Statistics 3, Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics, Ideal Gases 4. Kinetic Theory of Gases 5. Bose-Einstein Statistics 6. Crytals: Structure, Phonons, Thermal Properties 7. Helium 4He 8. Fermi-Dirac Statistics 9. Electronic Properties of Solids 10. Gibbs Theory of Ensembles 11. Magnetic Materials 12. Real Gases and Liquids 13. Superconductivity


    L. Couture