1st Edition

Foundations of Module and Ring Theory

By Robert Wisbauer Copyright 1991

    This volume provides a comprehensive introduction to module theory and the related part of ring theory, including original results as well as the most recent work. It is a useful and stimulating study for those new to the subject as well as for researchers and serves as a reference volume. Starting form a basic understanding of linear algebra, the theory is presented and accompanied by complete proofs. For a module M, the smallest Grothendieck category containing it is denoted by o[M] and module theory is developed in this category. Developing the techniques in o[M] is no more complicated than in full module categories and the higher generality yields significant advantages: for example, module theory may be developed for rings without units and also for non-associative rings. Numerous exercises are included in this volume to give further insight into the topics covered and to draw attention to related results in the literature.



    Elementary properties of rings

    Basic notions

    Special elements and ideals in rings

    Special rings

    Chain conditions for rings

    Algebras and group rings

    Module categories

    Elementary properties of modules

    The category of R-modules

    Internal direct sum

    Product, coproduct and subdirect product

    Pullback and pushout

    Functors, Hom-functors

    Tensor product, tensor functor

    Modules characterized by the Hom-functor

    Generators, trace

    Congenerators, reject

    Subgenerators, the category o [M]

    Injective modules

    Essential extensions, injective hulls

    Projective modules

    Superfluous epimorphisms, projective covers

    Notions derived from simple modules

    Semisimple modules and rings

    Socle and radical of modules and rings

    The radical of endomorphism rings

    Co-semisimple and good modules and rings

    Finiteness conditions in modules

    The direct limit

    Finitely presented modules

    Coherent modules and rings

    Noetherian modules and rings

    Annihilator conditions

    Dual finiteness conditions

    The inverse limit

    Finitely copresented modules

    Artinian and co-noetherian modules

    Modules of finite length

    Pure sequences and derived notions

    P-pure sequences, pure projective modules

    Purity in o[M], R-MOD and ZZ-MOD

    Absolutely pure modules

    Flat modules

    Regular modules and rings

    Copure sequences and derived notions

    Modules described by means of projectivity

    (Semi)hereditary modules and rings

    Semihereditary and hereditary domains

    Supplemented modules

    Semiperfect modules and rings

    Perfect modules and rings

    Relations between functors

    Functional morphisms

    Adjoint pairs of functors

    Equivalences of categories

    Dualities between categories

    Quasi-Frobenius modules and rings

    Functor rings

    Rings with local units

    Global dimensions of modules and rings

    The functor Hom(V,-)

    Functor rings of o[M] and R-MOD

    Pure semisimple modules and rings

    Modules of finite representation type

    Serial modules and rings

    Homo-serial modules and rings




    Wisbauer, Robert