184 Pages
    by Routledge-Cavendish

    First published in 2003. Does someone owe you money? Whether the debtor is an individual or a commercial giant, this book enables you to choose a course of action to recover the debt.

    Welcome, Buzzwords, Frequently asked questions, 1. Spotting a doubtful customer, 2. Where do I start?, 3. Choosing your weapon, 4. The nitty gritty: filling in the claim form, 5. Claiming online, 6. What happens next?, 7. Slugging it out in court, 8. Making it stick: enforcement, 9. Warrant of execution, 10. Attachment of earnings, 11. Third party debt order, 12. Charging order, 13. Bankruptcy for beginners, 14. Sabre rattling: the statutory demand, 15. Serious swordsmanship: the bankruptcy petition, 16. Liquidation, Sample letters, Sample forms, Official forms, Useful contacts, Index


    Mark Fairweather, Rosy Border