1st Edition

Psychic Deadness

By Michael Eigen Copyright 2004

    Many people seek help because they feel dragged down by a sense of inner deadness that persists in an otherwise full and meaningful life. These individuals somehow remain untouched by their own inner experiences; a deadness persists that can cripple their entire life or part of it. This book shows what is involved in enduring and working with psychic deadness in a day-to-day, session-by-session basis.

    PART ONE: THEORETICAL SOUNDINGS, 1 Psychic Death, 2 The Destructive Force, 3 Goodness and Deadness, 4 Bion's No-thing, 5 Moral Violence. 6 Two Kinds of No-thing, 7 The Area of Freedom: The Point of No Compromise, PART TWO: CONICAL PROBES, 8 The Immoral Conscience, 9 The Counterpart, 10 Counterparts in a Couple, 11 From Attraction to Meditation, 12 Primary Process and Shock, 13 Being Too Good, 14 In Praise of Gender Uncertainty, 15 Emotional Starvation, 16 Disaster Anxiety, 17 Winning Lies, 18 Boa and Flowers, Epilogue, Credits, Index.


    Michael Eigen is a psychologist and psychoanalyst. He is Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology in the Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis at New York University (adjunct), and a Senior Member of the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis. He is the author of a number of books, including 'Toxic Nourishment', 'The Psychoanalytic Mystic', 'Feeling Matters' and 'Flames from the Unconscious'.