1st Edition

Urban Transport Environment and Equity The Case for Developing Countries

By Eduardo Alcantara Vasconcellos Copyright 2001

    Traditional transport planning has generated transport systems that propagate an unfair distribution of accessibility and have environmental and safety issues. This book highlights the importance of social and political aspects of transport policy and provides a methodology to support this approach. It emphasizes the importance of co-ordinating urban, transport and traffic planning, and addresses the major challenge of modifying the building and use of roads. The author makes suggestions for innovative and radical new measures towards an equitable and sustainable urban environment.

    Part 1: Introduction - Introduction * Part 2: Current Conditions of Urban Transport in Developing Countries - Current Transport Conditions in Developing Countries - Current Transport and Traffic Conditions in Developing Countries * Part 3: How it Happened - Sociological and Political Approaches to Transport * The Organization of Urban Space * The City, the Circulation System and Urban Transport Policies * The Use of Roads: the Microphysics of Space * the Political Issue: Agents in Urban Transport Planning * Non-motorized Transport * Public Transport * Private Transport * Mobility * Space, Environment and Energy * Traffic Accidents * the Urban Transport Crises in Developing Countries * Part 4: Proposals - Policy Assumptions and Principles * Proposals for Urban Planning * Transport Planning Proposals * Traffic Planning and Management * Part 5: Conclusions - Conclusions * Notes * References * Inde


    Eduardo Alcantara Vasconcellos has been working and teaching as a transport and traffic engineer and planner since 1975. He received his PhD in public policy from the University of Sao Paulo and conducted his post-doctoral research in transport planning in developing countries at Cornell University in the US. He has published several papers in international transport journals and is currently associate director for ANTP, the Brazilian National Public Transport Association.