1st Edition

The Abnormal Menstrual Cycle

    206 Pages
    by CRC Press

    254 Pages
    by CRC Press

    Disorders of menstruation are among the most common problems encountered in womens' health and include early, delayed and irregular menstrual cycles, painful menses and excessive menstrual bleeding, and early menopause. Their treatment presents a variety of complex challenges, especially since some of the treatments used can themselves result in further menstrual and hormonal complications.

    This text provides a comprehensive review of our current knowledge of the causes of these conditions, their investigation, and the treatment options available. It has been designed as a practical reference for the doctors' office or clinic, presenting the physician with a detailed account of how to assess the patient and then determine the most appropriate course of treatment, which may extend beyond pharmacologic interventions to surgery. Practice points conclude each section and summarize the most important clinical and management issues.

    The Consultation. Painful Menstruation Endometriosis. Painful Menstruation Primary Dysmenorrhoea. Chronic Pelvic Pain. Excessive Menstrual Bleeding. Fibroids. The Irregular Cycle - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. The Irregular Cycle - Ovarian Failure. Mood Changes. Surgical Interventions Hysterectomy/Endometrial Destruction. Laparoscopic Surgery. Alternative Therapies. Contraception. Menstrual Migraine.


    Margaret Rees, Sally Hope, Veronica Ranvikar