1st Edition

Bioavailability, Toxicity, and Risk Relationship in Ecosystems

By R Naidu, V.V.S.R Gupta, Steve Rogers Copyright 2003

    This book describes the bioavailability, toxicity and risk relationships of metal contaminants in ecosystems. It discusses bioavailability within the context of environmental health and ecotoxicological risk assessment and the potential impact that metals may have on soil ecosystem.

    Risk Assessment in Environmental Contamination and Environmental Health: Michael Moore
    The Role of Chemical Separation in Bioavailability: Sebastien Suav
    Bioavailability of Metals in the Soil-plant Environment and its Potential Role in Risk Assessment: R. Naidu et al.
    Microbial Parameters as Indicators of Toxic Effects of Heavy Metals on the Soil Ecosystem: Phil Brooks
    Metal-Algae Interactions: Implications of Bioavailability: M. Megharaj et al.
    Absorption and Translocation of Chromium by Plants
    Plant Physiological and Soil Factors: R.H. Loeppert et al.
    Effects of Mine Wastewaters on Freshwater Biota in Tropical Northern Australia: Scott J. Markich et al.
    Inplace Inactivation and Natural Ecological Restoration Technologies (IINERT): W.R. Berti and J.A. Ryan
    An Assessment of the Revegetation Potential of Acidic Basemetal Tailings using Metal-tolerant Grass Species and Lime: W.J. Morrell et al.
    Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in West Bengal--India and Bangladesh
    Case Study on Bioavailability of Geogenic Arsenic: Uttam Kumar Chowdhury et al.
    Plant Soil Metal Relationships from Micro to Macro Scale: K. Bujtas et al.


    R Naidu