1st Edition

Weed Control Methods for River Basin Management

By E.O. Gangstad Copyright 1978

    Aquatic plants continue to create problems associated with navigation, flood control, agriculture, irrigation and drainage, values of lands, conservation of wildlife and fisheries, and water resource supply. While much research is being done to find more effective and economic control measures, there is now a great need to apply known facts to achieve a measure of control by the means available. It is the purpose of this volume to provide a scientifically documented treatise of the known facts as they apply to the control of aquatic weeds in river basins and their allied waterways with particular emphasis on alligator weed and water hyacinth.

    1. Introduction 2. Ecology of Aquatic Weed Control 3. Environmental Impacts for Fish and Wildlife Management 4. Hydropower Projects and Their Associated Environmental Impacts 5. Environmental Problems of Large Dams: River Basin Survey and Assessment 6. The Lower Mekong River Basin 7. River Basin Studies in the Philippines 8. Established Irrigation Schemes in India Research for Control of Alligator Weed 9. Introduction to Alligator Weed 10. Chemical Laboratory Studies 11. Botanical Laboratory Studies 12. Field Research on Control Methods 13. Biological Control Program 14. Integrated Control Program 15. Impact Assessment and Feeding Damage of Insects on Alligator Weed 16. Introduction to Water Hyacinth 17. The Effects of Water Quality 18. Mechanical Methods of Control 19. Program of Chemical Control 20. Residue Studies in Small Ponds 21. Residue Studies in Slow-moving Water 22. Residue of 2,4.-D in Crops 23. Metabolism Studies in 2,4.-D in Fish 24. Research on Insect Enemies 25. Research on Host Specificity 26. Control with Plant Pathogens 27. Environmental Impacts


    E.O. Gangstad