1st Edition

Iron and Human Disease

By R.B. Lauffer Copyright 1992

    Iron and Human Disease is the first book to cover the three key aspects of human iron metabolism: the accumulation of iron in adults, iron as a limiting factor for tumor and infectious cell growth, and iron as a catalyst for oxygen free radical production. The book describes the hypotheses and findings related to the role of iron in cardiovascular disease (including reperfusion injury), cancer, aging, and autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases. Other topics covered include the molecular biology and biochemistry of iron, the general principles governing iron balance, iron in the immune system and acute phase response, and new preventive and therapeutic strategies.
    Iron and Human Disease will be a useful reference for biomedical investigators, physicians, nutritionists, and public health officials.

    1. Iron, Aging, and Human Disease: Historical Background and New Hypotheses 2. Chemistry and Molecular Biology of Iron and Iron-Binding Proteins: Structure and Molecular Biology of Iron-Binding Proteins and the Regulation of 'Free' Iron Pools 3. Genetic Control of the Genes for Iron Storage and Transport: Links with the Acute Phase Response 4. Iron Accumulation and METABOLISM in Humans: Iron Balance in Western Societies as Measured by Serum Ferritin 5. Hereditary Hemochromatosis and Other Diseases Associated with Iron Overload 6. Iron and the Immune System 7. Cellular Acquisition of Iron and the Iron withholding Defense Against Microbial and Neoplastic Invasion 8. Iron and Oxidative Stress: Iron and Damage to Biomolecules 9. Lipofuscin, Lysosomes, and Iron 10. Roles for Iron in Cardiovascular Diseases: Role of Iron in the Oxidative Modification of Low Density Lipoprotein 11. Iron and Myocardial Reperfusion Injury 12. Stored Iron as a Risk Factor for Ischemic Heart Disease 13. Iron and Stroke 14. Roles for Iron in Other Common Diseases: Iron and Cancer 15. Brain Iron and Nigra-Striatal Dopamine Neurons in Parkinson's Disease 16. Proteins of Iron Regulation in Alzheimer's Disease 17. Iron-Promoted Oxidative Damage in Rheumatic Diseases 18. Iron and Ethanol-Induced Tissue Damage 19. Iron Metabolism and Oxygen Radical Injury in Premature Infants 20. Implications for Prevention and Therapy: Preventive Measures for the Maintenance of Low But Adequate Iron Stores 21. Therapeutic Strategies to Inhibit Iron-Catalyzed Tissue Damage


    R.B. Lauffer