This book is an elaboration of an earlier review of the ecology of fungi, and includes some material from that review. It provides an overview of fungi and its kingdom, mycogeography, genetics, autoecology and synecology, physiology, and its role in the ecosystem, and dispersion in the environment.

    1. Introduction 2. Mycogeography 3. Genetics 4. Physiology 6. The Organism 7. Fungi in the Ecosystem 8. Total Ecosystem Vs. Individual Segments 9. Population Groups � soil 10. Population Groups � Litter 11. Population Groups � Water 12. Population Groups � Air 13. Population Groups � Living Plants 14. Pathogen of Fungi and Fungai Pathogens of Lower Organisms 15. Parasites of Vertebrates and Man 16. Symbiosis 17. Other Population Groups 18. Energy Storage and Relese 19. Uses for Fungi 20. Techniques 21. Summary Statement