1st Edition

Chemical Dynamics in Freshwater Ecosystems

By Frank A.P.C. Gobas Copyright 1992

    Chemical Dynamics in Freshwater Ecosystems reviews the processes that control the distribution and impacts of chemical substances discharged into freshwater aquatic environments. The book focuses on the relationships between chemical emissions and the resulting ambient concentration in water, sediments, fish, benthos, plants, and other components of real aquatic ecosystems. Hydrodynamics, sediment dynamics, chemical fate processes, bioaccumulation, and food-chain transfer are major topics discussed in the book. Case studies and models are used to illustrate how quantitative predictions of chemical dynamics and behavior in the aquatic environment can be made.
    Chemical Dynamics in Freshwater Ecosystems is an excellent reference for aquatic toxicologists, wildlife toxicologists, wildlife biologists, environmental chemists, governmental regulators, environmental modelers, consultants, and students studying the effects of chemicals on aquatic environments.

    Chapter 1. Hydrodynamics of Connecting Channels Chapter 2. Hydrodynamic Modeling in the Great Lakes from 1950 to 1990 and Prospects for the 1990s Chapter 3. Sediment Exchange Process Parameterization Chapter 4. Exchange of Chemicals Between Lakes and the Atmosphere Chapter 5. Modeling the Accumulation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by the Amphipod Diporeia (spp.) Chapter 6. Modeling the Accumulation and Toxicity of Organic Chemicals in Aquatic Food Chains Chapter 7. Modeling Accumulation of Organic Chemicals in Aquatic Food Webs Chapter 8. Derivation of Bioaccumulation Parameters and Application of Food Chain Models for Chlorinated Dioxins and Furans Chapter 9. Temporal Trends and Distribution of PCB Congeners in a Small Contaminated Lake in Ontario Canada


    Gobas, Frank A.P.C.