1st Edition

Psychology and its Bearing on Education

By C.W. Valentine Copyright 1950
    672 Pages
    by Routledge

    694 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally published in 1950, the author after many years’ teaching of psychology, and previous school teaching experience, provided a book specially suitable for students in training colleges and university education departments, for teachers, youth leaders, and all concerned with the training of children and adolescents at the time. He aimed especially at clarity, the provision of concrete illustrations, and the stressing of material of general agreement among psychologists.

    The topics include: The Development and Training of Personality and Character; The Basic Motives; Suggestion; Unconscious Influences; Sex Education; Learning and Remembering; Repression and Discipline; Play and Activity Methods; The Interests of Children; The Acquisition of Skill; Training in Reasoning; General Intelligence and Special Abilities, and their Testing; Estimating Personality and Character; Educational and Vocational Guidance; School Records; Stages of Development in Infancy, Middle Childhood and Adolescence; Backward, Problem and Delinquent Children.

    The Appreciation of Beauty and Aesthetic Education: (1) Nature and Visual Art (2) Music (3) Poetry. Considerable space was given to these three in view of their usual neglect in textbooks of psychology at the time.

    A brief appendix gives simple explanations of the most essential statistical methods applied to psychology and education.

    The need of one book to cover the whole course in Psychology and its bearing on Education had long been felt, and it was hoped that this volume would fulfil this purpose.

    1. Introduction  2. Supposed Mental Faculties and their Training  3. The Modern Psychological View of Mental Abilities  4. Desire and Striving, Pleasure, Emotions and Sentiments  5. Are There Human Instincts? The Innate Bases of Conduct and ‘Drives’  6. Sympathy, the Parental Impulse, Fear and Disgust  7. Anger, Pugnacity and Aggressiveness; Self-Assertion and Self-Submission  8. Suggestion, Imitation and Gregariousness  9. Sex and Sex Education  10. The Unconscious, Repression, Sublimation, and Some Freudian Ideas on Sex  11. The Inferiority Complex and Some Other Complexes and Neuroses  12. Temperament and the Co-ordination of Innate Tendencies  13. Sentiments, Volition, Character, and Moral Habits  14. Play, and "The Play-Way" in Education  15. Acquisitive, Collecting, Manipulative, and Constructive or Creative Tendencies  16. Curiosity, Special Interests and the Popularity of School Subjects  17. Mental Work, Interest and Attention  18. The Span and Division of Attention or Apprehension  19. Learning and Remembering  20. Learning Movements and the Acquisition of Skill  21. Thinking, and Training in Reasoning  22. Imagination and Fluency  23. General Intelligence and Intelligence Tests  24. Special Abilities and their Testing  25. Estimating Temperament, Personality or Character  26. Educational Guidance, School Records, and Attainment Tests  27. Vocational Guidance  28. The Appreciation of Beauty and Aesthetic Education (Nature and Visual Art)  29. The Appreciation of Beauty and Aesthetic Education (Music)  30. The Appreciation of Beauty and Aesthetic Education (Poetry)  31. Development in Infancy  32. Middle Childhood and its Interests  33. Adolescence (General, Social and Emotional)  34. Adolescence (Intellectual and Out of School Interests)  35. Backward Children, Problem Children, and Young Delinquents  36. Mind and Body.  Appendix: Correlation and Other Common Statistical Terms.  Index to Names.  Index of Subjects.


    C.W. Valentine