1st Edition

Conflict Management of Water Resources

Edited By Manas Chatterji, Saul Arlosoroff, Gauri Guha Copyright 2002

    This title was first published in 2002: Now that the Cold War is over, ethnic and regional conflicts are emerging over resources and the environment. The management of water, the lifeblood of any country, is becoming a vital issue. This volume offers a study of conflict management of water resources. It includes some selected papers presented at an international meeting, held at the Mahatma Gandhi Center of Conflict Prevention and Management in Ahmedabad, India. Other invited papers have also been included in the collection. Obviously it was not possible to address here all aspects of the vast field of water management. The main focus of this work is the management of water conflict and its implications for peace.

    Part 1: Implications And Resolutions Of Water Resource Management Issues

    1. Introduction

    Manas Chatterji

    2. The Water Sector in the Middle-East: Potential Conflict Resolutions

    Saul Arlosoroff

    3. The Hydro-Political Implications of the Oslo Agreements: An Israeli Perspective

    Martin Sherman

    4. Water Management in the People's Republic of China

    Weiluo Wang

    5. Water Resources in China's Yellow River Delta

    Sam Cole

    6. Managing the Nile River: The Role of Sub-Basin Co-operation

    Ashok Swain

    Part 2: Co-Operative Opportunites And Emerging Challenges

    7. Sustainability and Conflict Management: Towards a Co-operative Manual

    Keith Akiva Lehrer

    8. Water Management in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Basin: Emerging Challenges for the 21st Century

    Jayanta Bandyopadhyay

    9. Water Resources and Environmental Management

    Mohan Munasinghe

    10. Some Issues Related to Conflict Management of Water Resources in Nepal

    M. M. Sainju

    11. Environmental and Economic Conflicts: Lessons from Europe

    Allain Sallez

    12. Natural Resources, Diplomacy and Security in East Asia

    Nagaharu Hayabusa

    13. Running Out of Water, Running Out of Time

    Arun P. Elhance

    14. Changing Approaches to Water Resource Management: The Case of the British Columbia Gulf Islands

    David G. Banks

    15. The Narmada Project: Patterns of Trans-State Confrontation, Co-operation and Conflict Management

    Pravin Sheth

    16. Identifying Management Strategies of Common Pool Regimes: Groundwater Resources

    M. Dinseh Kumar

    17. Management of Water Resources Through Panchayati Raj Institutions: A Case Study

    Jayant Patil

    18. Management of Arsenic Contaminated Groundwater in the Bengal Delta Plain

    P. Bhattacharya and A. B. Mukherjee

    19. Water Resources and Mountain Communities

    S. K. Mattoo

    20. Imperative Prospects of Indo-Nepal Co-operation for the Optimum Water Resources Development of the Kosi Basin

    T. Prasad

    21. Emerging Concepts in Ecological Humanism

    Devarat N. Pathak


    Manas Chatterji, Saul Arlosoroff, Gauri Guha