490 Pages
    by Routledge

    490 Pages
    by Routledge

    This influential study of the relationship between the prices of gold and other commodities was originally published in 1935. In it the authors attributed the initial cause of the great depression in the US to the reestablishment of the gold standard in many European countries and resulting deflation. The authors' recommendations were successfully implemented by Franklin D. Roosevelt.

    1. Measures of Value 2. Index Numbers for Important Groups of Commodities 3. Physical Volume of Production 4. Money 5. Gold and Prices 6. Production and Use of Gold 7. Efficiency in the Use of Gold 8. The Price of Gold 9. Effects of Changing the Price of Gold  10. Other Theories of Recovery 11. Short-time Variations in the Price Level 12. Comparison of Panics 13. Silver 14. Stabilizing the Price Level 15. Causes of Inflation and Deflation 16. Price Chaos Caused by Inflation and Deflation 17. Wages 18. Wealth and Debts 19. Taxes 20. Prices of Farm Lands 21. City Real Estate 22. Stocks and Bonds 23. Investments When the Dollar is Unstable 24. Other Effects of Inflation and Deflation 25. Effects of the Discovery of America on Prices 26. The Price Outlook


    George F. Warren, Frank A. Pearson