1st Edition

Revival: The Gospel of the Redman (1937) An Indian Bible

    132 Pages
    by Routledge

    126 Pages
    by Routledge

    There is no Indian Bible written by an Indian, just as there was no Pentateuch written by Moses, no Tripitika by Buddha, no Dialogues by Socrates, no Gospels written by Christ. All these records were made long after by those who knew their Master in his lifetime, or at least received the traditions of his teachings from those who were privileged to hear his voice. The Indian teachings in the fields of art, handicraft, woodcraft, agriculture, social life, health, and joy, need no argument beyond presentation; they speak for themselves. They are what we need; and in offering them here, I do so realizing that the Redman is the apostle of outdoor life, his example and precept are what the world needs to-day above any other ethical teaching of which I have knowledge. But his spiritual message is more important, and less understood.

    1. The Soul of the Redman  2. The Ancient Way  3. By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them  4. Wabasha, The Wisdom of the Old Men  5. Prophets of the Red Race  6. White Expression of Indianic Thought  7. Whither


    Ernest Thompson Seton, wildlife artist, founder of the Woodcraft Indians in 1902 (renamed Woodcraft League of America) and one of the founding pioneers of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) in 1910. Seton also influenced Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting.