1st Edition

Land Rent, Housing and Urban Planning A European Perspective

    Originally published in 1985, Land Rent, Housing and Urban Planning looks at the crucial social relationships associated with land ownership, and how these have played a crucial role in the economic development of many societies. The understanding of these relationships within modern capitalist societies has proved difficult. Land ownership relations emerge as requiring specific historical analysis for specific periods and societies and as being integral aspects of the capitalist mode of production as a whole – not merely mechanisms which redistribute some independently-determined surplus.

    List of Tables

    List of Figures


    Part I: Editors Introduction

    1. Modern Capitalism and the Theory of Urban Rent: A Review

    Part II: The Social Relations of Land Development: A European Perspective

    2. Prices, Profits and Rents in Residential Development: France 1960-80 France, Christian Topalov

    3. Housing Development Processes in Europe: Some Hypotheses from a Comparative Analysis, Marino Folin

    4. Land Rent and the Construction Industry, Michael Ball

    5. The Law of the Land: Property Rights and Town Planning in Modern Britain, Michael McMahon

    6. Land, Capital and the British Coal Industry Prior to World War II, Ben Fine

    Part III: The Debate Over Marx’s Theory of Rent

    7. A Marxist Approach to Urban Ground Rent: The Case of France, Alain Lipietz

    8. Capitalist Urban Rent, Ambroise Gravejat

    9. Marxian Categories and the Determination of Land Prices, Agostino Nardocci

    Part IV: Political Implications

    10. Theory of Urban Rent and the Working-Class Movement: The Case of Italy, Vincenzo Bentivegna

    11. Planning and the Land Market: Problems, Prospects and Strategy, Michael Edwards

    Select Bibliography

    Notes on Contributors



    Michael Ball, Michael Edwards, Vincenzo Bentivegna, Marino Folin