1st Edition

Methods of Family Research Biographies of Research Projects

Edited By Irving E. Sigel, Gene Brody Copyright 1990

    These companion volumes provide a "behind the scenes" look into the personal experiences of researchers in an effort to eliminate the lack of communication surrounding family research methodology. They show how the researchers achieved their results and why they chose particular methodologies over others. These volumes present more than just findings -- they present the real experiences of the authors in their own styles and personalities, exposing the problems, mistakes, and concerns they experienced during their research projects. Volume I presents the experiences of researchers into typical normative populations. Volume II describes work with clinical, atypical populations.

    Volume I Contents: I.E. Sigel, G. Brody, Preface. P.A. Cowan, C.P. Cowan, Becoming a Family: Research and Intervention. A.V. McGillicuddy-DeLisi, Parental Beliefs Within the Family Context: Development of a Research Program. I.E. Sigel, Journeys in Serendipity: The Development of the Distancing Model. S. Scarr, R.A. Weinberg, The Nature-Nurture Problem Revisited: The Minnesota Adoption Studies. R.D. Parke, In Search of Fathers: A Narrative of an Empirical Journey. G. Brody, Z. Stoneman, Sibling Relationships. J. Brooks-Gunn, Adolescents as Daughters and as Mothers: A Developmental Perspective. J.M. Gottman, Finding the Laws of Close Personal Relationships. R.D. Hess, H. Azuma, Cross-Cultural Collaboration in Studies of Family Effects on School Achievement. F.H. Hooper, J.O. Hooper, The Family as a System of Reciprocal Relations: Searching for a Developmental Lifespan Perspective. Volume II Contents: G. Brody, I.E. Sigel, Preface. R. Forehand, Families with a Conduct Problem Child. Z. Stoneman, G. Brody, Families With Children Who Are Mentally Retarded. S.T. Hauser, The Study of Families and Chronic Illness: Ways of Coping and Interacting. D. Cicchetti, J.T. Manly, A Personal Perspective on Conducting Research with Maltreating Families: Problems and Solutions. N. Long, R. Forehand, Parental Divorce Research. M.E. Lamb, A.B. Elster, Adolescent Parenthood. G. Margolin, Marital Conflict. S. Beach, G. Nelson, Pursuing Research on Major Psychopathology From a Contextual Perspective: The Example of Depression and Marital Discord


    Irving E. Sigel, Gene Brody

    re: vol II "This is a good book, providing a wide variety of field studies for social science students."

    "...the book is timely and has much to offer. It is a compendium of impressive research programs and provides an overview of the programs not obtainable from articles documenting their findings."
    Contemporary Psychology

    "....The volume makes fascinating and valuable reading."
    Child Development Abstracts & Bibliography