1st Edition

Flexible Manufacturing Systems in Practice Design: Analysis and Simulation

By Joseph Talavage Copyright 1987

    This book has been written for all those interested in flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) and other forms of computerized manufacturing systems (CMS). It deals with many aspects of the design, operation, and simulation of FMS and explains the origins of FMS.

    1. Introduction 2. The Development of Manufacturing Systems 3. Flexible Manufacturing Systems-Their Development and Benefits 4. Pallets, Fixtures, and Machines 5. Work-Handling and System Layouts 6. System Management and the Developing Scene 7. Simulation and Analysis in the Design of FMS 8. Simulation Modeling 9. Network-of-Queue Modeling 10. Network-of-Queue Analysis as a Design Aid for FMS 11. Simulation for FMS Design 12. Prescriptive Tools for FMS Design 13. Economic Justification of FMS 14. Artificial Intelligence in the Design of FMS


    Joseph Talavage (Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA) (Author)