"Furnishes important research papers and results on group algebras and PI-algebras presented recently at the Conference on Methods in Ring Theory held in Levico Terme, Italy-familiarizing researchers with the latest topics, techniques, and methodologies encompassing contemporary algebra."

    Identities of algebras with actions of Hopf algebras; consequences of degree n+2 of the standard polynomial of degree n; generators of the units of the modular group algebra of a finite p-group; Young derivation of the trace cocharacters of the 2x2 matrices; torsion subgroups of units in Artinian rings; polynomial ideals and identities of matrices; Gefand-Kirillov dimension of PI-algebras; PI-algebras and codimension growth; unit bases in small cyclic group rings; units in integral group rings - a survey; on the multilinear components of the regular prime varieties; units in group rings and geometry; the semiprimitivity of group algebra; scale for codimension growth of Lie algebras; the Hopf shuffle algebra and Lie series; graded identities and cocharacters of products of T-ideals; deformations of represenations; the Engel condition, semigroup identities and collapsibility in associative rings; idempotent ideals in Lie nilpotent rings; units and group identities in rings; varieties and identities of affine Kac-Moody algebras.


    Vesselin Drensky (Edited by) , Antonio Giambruno (Universita Di Palermo, Italy) (Edited by) , Sudarshan K. Sehgal (University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada) (Edited by)