1st Edition

Encyclopedia of Time

Edited By Samuel L. Macey Copyright 1994

    In this encyclopedia, some 200 international scholars in 360 articles explore subjects such as physics, archeostronomy, astronomy, mathematics, time's measurements and divisions, as well as covering other scientific and interdisciplinary areas: biology, economics and political science, horology, history, medicine, geography, geology and telecommunications.

    Introduction, Advisory Board, Contributors, Articles Listed by Major Discipline, List of Illustrations, The Encyclopedia, Index


    Samuel L. Macey Department of English, University of Victoria

    "Fascinating volume...not just science libraries, but all academic and large public libraries, even some high school libraries, may find it a valuable addition to their collections." -- Reference Books Bulletin
    "Unique encyclopedia...an impressive board of advisors... written with clarity and breadth of coverage...fascinating volume written by a broad range of scholars. Recommended for all libraries." -- Reference Books Review