1st Edition

The Primary Teacher's Guide To The New National Curriculum

    240 Pages
    by Routledge

    This guide gives an overview of the curriculum arrangements which took effect in August 1995. The book outlines the main changes to the original National Curriculum and gives examples of ways to teach the new curriculum, together with enquiry tasks to take the teacher forward. It also covers each of the subjects of the revised National Curriculum, locating them within a context of whole curriculum planning. Looking at issues of differentiation, the book explores those additional elements of the curriculum, such as cross curricular themes and drama, that primary schools will wish to cover.

    Section I Introduction: Introduction to the New National Curriculum Kate Ashcroft and David Palacio; The School Context for Curriculum Change Carolyn Boyd and Peta Lloyd. Section II The Subjects in the New National Curriculum: English Helena Mitchell and Jenny Monk; Mathematics Pat Booth and Margaret Jones; Science Cliff Marshall and David Palacio: History Paul Taylor; Geography John Halocha and Maureen Roberts; Art David Menday; Music Patricia Thompson; Physical Education Jennifer Gray; Design and Technology John Siraj-Blatchford and David Coates; Information Technology Chris Higgins. Section III Beyond the National Curriculum: Religious Education Gwynth Little and Carrie Mercier; Drama David Tilley; Building an Inclusive Curriculum Barry Carpenter; Conclusion Kate Ashcroft and David Palacio.


    Ashcroft, Kate; Ashcroft, Professor Kate; Palacio, David