1st Edition

Towards An Igbo Literary

By P.Akujuoobi Nwachukwu Copyright 1983

    This monograph is a contribution to an ongoing debate. Dated May 1982, so updated in some respects it remains the most accessible and systematic discussion of the various questions concerned with standardization of Igbo. With chapters distinguishing between a written a spoken standard of Igbo, with written being based on the Central dialects and the spoken with the dialects of the Onicha type. Including a surveying of successful examples of Swahili, Hausa, Shona and German; and official existing orthography of Igbo.

    1 The standardising of Igbo 2 Orthography 3 Grammatical features of the literary standard 4 Language modernisation 5 Propagation of the standard 6 Conclusions


    P.Akujuoobi Nwachukwu