410 Pages
    by Routledge

    410 Pages
    by Routledge

    Published in 1987: Erec and Enide, the first of five surviving Arthurian romantic poems by a twelfth-century French poet, narrates a vivid chapter from the legend of King Arthur.

    1. Introduction, by William W. Kibler.  2. Select Bibliography.  3. Erec and Enide.  4 Textual Notes.  5. Index to Old French Terms.  Appendix A: Line-Number Comparisons with Foerster's and Roques' Editions.  Appendix B: Lines Added to Guiot's Text.  Appendix C: Non-Emendation Changes to Roques' Text.


    CHR TIEN DE TROYES (1135?-1191?) was a French poet and trouv re. He is widely regarded as the creator of the literary genre known as the Arthurian romance, and the originator of the heroic medieval character Lancelot.