1st Edition

Energy Demand and Planning

Edited By J.C. McVeigh, J.G. Mordue Copyright 1999

    Energy, Demand and Planning brings together a group of distinguished authors from many relevant disciplines, under the auspices of the Watt Committee on Energy. The authors were asked to consider the effects of policy decisions that might be taken now on the planning of the world energy industries in the coming half-century or so. Discussion is held on such key topics as technological change, sustainable development, global warming and the effects of population growth, all of which require policy decisions at national and international levels, affecting the daily lives of people in both advanced and developing countries.

    Introduction. Part One: Energy now and the next fifty years. Introduction:Energy policy-to be or not to be? Development of energy modelling. Changing patterns of human need. Population levels and their implications for energy demand. Recent devlopments in the prediction of global warming. Social attitudes and their place in energy policies.Sustainable energy development. The chemical industry-future energy requirements of a large user. Energy markets and the role of governments. Electricity: the common energy currency. Future energy supply and demand-steps towards their reconciliation. Postcript. Part Two: Background and Discussion Social changes and energy markets. Synopses and discussion:Seminar I - Energy resources and scenarios for the next half century. Synopses and discussion: Seminar II- The impact of possible changes in living and working patterns on energy markets and demands. Discussion: Seminar III -Energy policies - a personal assessment of discussion. Discussion Consultation Conference -Energy now and the next fifty years.


    J.C. McVeigh, J.G. Mordue

    'Recent developments in the prediction of global warming by Sir John Mason and The chemical industry - future energy requirements of a large user by Bryan Bulloch in particular are well worth reading and highly relevant' - The Journal of Energy Literature