1st Edition

Aquaculture Technology in Developing Countries

Edited By Randall E. Brummett Copyright 2014

    Aquaculture technology has been evolving rapidly over the last two decades, led by an increasingly skilled cadre of researchers in developing countries. Rather than copying, or adapting work done in industrialized countries to their situations, these scientists are moving aquaculture research out of the box to explore species and production systems relevant to their natural resources, economies and social institutions.

    Studies from India, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa are highlighted in this collection of papers, covering the entire gamut of aquaculture science from comparison of tilapia breeds, novel feed ingredients for indigenous species, improving disease resistance, water-use efficiency, traditional farming systems, spatial planning and economics. More than a how-to book, this volume introduces the researchers and institutions leading the development of aquaculture as it expands into new frontiers.

    This book was based on a special issue of the Journal of Applied Aquaculture.

    Overview; RE Brummett

    Africa (policy and production systems)

    Constraints in Accessing Credit Facilities for Rural Areas: The Case of Fish Farmer’s in Rural Morogoro, Tanzania (Kitojo Wetengere, Centre for Foreign Relations, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Viscal Kihongo, Institute of Social Work, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)

    The traditional whedo aquaculture system in northern Benin (Melanie E. Hauber, University of Würzburg; David Bierbach University Frankfurt, Karl Eduard Linsenmair University of Würzburg, Germany)

    Production parameters and economics of small-scale tilapia cage aquaculture in the Volta Lake, Ghana (J.K. Ofori, E.K. Abban, A.Y. Karikari, Water Research Institute, Accra, Ghana; R.E. Brummett, World Bank)

    Impacts of Aquaculture Development Projects in Western Cameroon (Victor Pouomogne, Institute for Agriculture Research for Development, Foumban, Cameroun; Randall E. Bummett, World Bank; M. Gatchouko, University of Dschang, Cameroun)

    Rearing rabbits over earthen fish ponds in Rwanda: effects on water and sediment quality, growth and production of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Simon RukeraTabaro, Onisimo Mutanga, Denis Rugege, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; Jean-Claude Micha University of Namur, Belgium)

    Middle East (water efficiency)

    Improving Water Use Efficiency in Semi-Arid Regions through Integrated Aquaculture/Agriculture (Sami Abdul-Rahman, I. Patrick Saoud, American University of Beirut; Mohammed K. Owaied, Hanafy Holail, Beirut Arab University. Nadim Farajalla2, Mustafa Haidar, Joly Ghanawi, American University of Beirut)

    Growth Performance of Improved (EXCEL) and a Non-Improved Strains of Oreochromis niloticus fry in a recirculating tank system in the UAE (Nowshad M Rasheed MAHY Khoory Aquaculture Centre, United Arab Emirates; Ibrahim E H Belal, United Arab Emirates University)

    Mohammadi, M., et al. 2011. Use of underground brackish water for reproduction and larviculture of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, JAA 23:103-111 (9 pp).

    Abdel-Tawwab, M. 2012. The use of American ginseng in practical diets for Nile tilapia: growth performance and challenge with Aeromonas hyrdophila. JAA 24:366-376 (11 pp).

    Latin America (indigenous species)

    Use of spray-dried blood meal as an alternative protein source in pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) diets (Ricardo do Amaral Ribeiro, Universidade Federal do Acre, Brazil; Rodrigo Otávio de Almeida Ozório, Sónia Maria Gomes Batista, Universidade do Porto, Portugal; Manoel Pereira-Filho, Eduardo Akifumi Ono, Rodrigo Roubach, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazónia, Brazil)

    Arredondo-Figueroa, J.L., et al. 2010. Effect of density on growth and feeding of the crayfish Cambarellus montezumae. JAA 22:66-73 (8 pp)

    Rodriguez-Serna, M. et al. 2010. Growth of juvenile crayfish Procambarus ilamasi fed different farm and aquaculture commercial foods. JAA 22: 140-148 (9 pp)

    Weiss, LA. And E. Zaniboni-Filho. 2010. Survival of diploid and triploid Rhamdia quelen juveniles under different oxygen concentrations. JAA 22:30-38 (9 pp)

    Fukushima, H. et al. 2011. Effect of stock density and ploidy in jundia, Rhamdia quelen, larva performance. JAA 23: 147-156 (10 pp)

    Asia (environment)

    Integrated Fish Farming for Nutritional Security in Eastern Himalayas, India (B.P. Bhatt, K.M. Bujarbaruah, K. Vinod, M. Karunakaran Indian Council of Agricultural Research)

    Waste Water Aquaculture by the Mudialy Fisherman’s Cooperative Society in Kolkata, West Bengal - An example of Sustainable Development (Archana Sengupta, Vivekananda Institute of Medical Sciences; Tapasi Rana Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute; Biswajit Das Vivekananda Institute of Medical Sciences; Shamee Bhattacharjee, West Bengal State University)

    Nor, NM et al. 2011. The effect of partial replacement of dietary fishmeal with fermented prawn waste liquor on juvenile sea bass growth. JAA 23:51-57 (7 pp)

    Vechklang, K. et al. 2012. Growth performance and resistance to Streptococcus of juvenile Nile tilapia fed diets with Grobiotic-A and Brewtech dried brewers yeast. JAA 24:183-198 (16 pp)

    Minh N.P., T. B. Lam, N. T. Giao, and N. C. Quan. 2013. Accumulation and Clearance of Orally Administered Erythromycin in Adult Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Giant Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). JAA 25(1) (8 pp) (due Mar 2013)


    Randall E. Brummett is the Senior Aquaculture Specialist at the World Bank and the Academic Editor of the Journal of Applied Aquaculture. He spent 30 years doing research for aquaculture development in Africa and the Middle East.