9192 Pages
    by Routledge

    Routledge Library Editions: Iran will re-issue works originally published between 1890 and 2005. As well as looking at the (often turbulent) history and politics of this key power in the Middle East, the set includes works of literature and literary criticism by both Persian and Western writers.

    For institutional purchases for e-book sets please contact [email protected] (customers in the UK, Europe and Rest of World)

    Javid Nama.  Iraq and Iran: The Years of Crisis.  The Iran-Iraq War.  Modern Iran.  Persia and the Victorians.  Studies in Ancient Persian History.  The Struggle for Persia. Persia and its People.  The Persian Gulf.  In Search of Omar Khayyam.  The Epic of the Kings. Ibn Yamin.  Indo-Iranian Studies.  Papers from the Seminar on Fasahat and Balaghat in Classical Persian Literature.  The Persian Sufis.  The Nasirean Ethics. Christians in Persia.  The Security of the Persian Gulf.  Iran and the International Community. The Persian Gulf and the West.  Iran Since the Revolution.


    Multivolume collection by leading authors in the field