1st Edition

Routledge Library Editions: Development Mini-Set I: Planning and Development

By Various Authors Copyright 2011

    Routledge Library Editions: Development will re-issue works which address economic, political and social aspects of development. Published over more than four decades these books trace the emergence of development as one of the most important contemporary issues and one of the key areas of study for modern social science. The books cover the most important themes within development and include studies of Latin America, Africa and Asia. Authors include Sir Alexander Cairncross, W. Arthur Lewis, Lord Peter Bauer and Cristobal Kay.

    An extensive collection of previously hard to access or out of print books, this set presents an unrivalled opportunity to build up a wealth of material in the field of development studies, with a particular focus upon economic and political concerns. The volumes in the collection offer both a global overview of the history of development in the twentieth century, and a huge variety of case studies on the development of individual nations.

    For institutional purchases for e-book sets please contact [email protected] (customers in the UK, Europe and Rest of World)

    Urbanisation and Planning in the 3rd World: Spatial Perceptions and Public Participation: Introduction, The course of World Urbanisation, Urbanisation in the Third World, Urban Planning in the Third World, Public Participation in Third World Urban Planning, Perception Studies and Third World Urban Planning, Case Studies pf Planning Related Perception Research, Conclusions. in Israel, August 1963: Part One Agricultural Planning and Rural Development, Part Two The Human Factor and Agricultural Development, Part Three Agricultural Research Extension and Education. Planning African Development: Introduction, Raising Nutritional Levels and Rural Development in Kenya, Land-se Competition at the Margins of the Rangelands, The Rural Nonfarm Sector and the Development Process in Kenya, Towards a Locational Policy for Manufacturing Industry, Coordinating Operating and Investment Expenditures- the need for Planning and Budgeting, Intra-programme Resource Allocation- The Case of Hospitals, Accounting Prices for Project Appraisal in Kenya, Planning and Evaluation of Rural Electrification. Economic Planning and Social Justice in Developing Countries: Part One Economic Growth without Social Justice, Part Two Some Case Studies of the Influence of Elites on Economic Planning Policy, Part Three Egalitarian Planning and Reform in LDCs. Development and Planning: Essays in Honour of Paul Rosenstein Rodan, I Growth of Development II Development and Planning III Income Distribution and Regional Development IV Development and International Trade V Cost-Benefit Analysis VI Labour Productivity: International Differences and Short-run Behaviour VII Value Theory.


    Multivolume collection by leading authors in the field.