1st Edition

Retailing (RLE Retailing and Distribution) Shopping, Society, Space

By Larry O'Brien, Frank Harris Copyright 1991

    This textbook provides an up-to-date, comprehensive and fully integrated treatment of retailing as a) and industry, b) a force shaping social attitudes and contemporary culture, and c) a force for change in modern townscapes. Unlike other texts which focus on specific topics, this book provides a treatment of retailing which will appeal to geographers, economists, planners and social scientists.

    First published 1991.

    List of figures.  List of tables.  Preface.  Introduction.  1. Retailing: economy and society  2. Marketing and retailing  3. British retailing  4. The geography of supply and demand  5. Shops, shopping centres and the built environment  6. The modern consumer  7. Information and retailing  8. Green retailing.  Conclusions.  References.  Index


    Larry O'Brien, Frank Harris

    ‘A valuable and welcome undergraduate textbook.’ Environment and Planning

    ‘Recommended unreservedly to managers and planners in the distributive trades and to all those who are concerned with the implications of current trends in the provision of shopping facilities.’ Retail Distribution and Management