1640 Pages
    by Routledge

    Over the past fifty years, the apparatus of surveillance in modern societies has expanded to such an extent that almost every aspect of our public and private lives is now open to scrutiny and analysis. Each time we walk down a city street or pass through a shopping centre, CCTV cameras record our every move. Credit card and online purchases are logged and used to construct ever more detailed profiles of our consumption patterns and preferences. Personal information held by a bewildering array of state and private organizations is becoming increasingly centralized and searchable. As a result, modern life and citizenship is now intimately bound up with surveillance and the construction of data profiles, profiles that are largely beyond our power to alter or amend, and which may bear little resemblance to how we see ourselves (or want to be seen). Combining fear of crime and a desire for social control, surveillance is an inescapable fact of modern life.

    Research on surveillance—conducted by governments, academics, and the private sector—has exploded in recent years and this new title in the Routledge series, Critical Concepts in Criminology, addresses the need for an authoritative reference work to make sense of this rapidly growing and ever more complex corpus of interdisciplinary scholarly literature. Edited by Benjamin Goold of Oxford University’s Centre for Criminology and organized into three principal parts, Surveillance is a four-volume collection of the foundational and the very best cutting-edge scholarship.

    Surveillance is fully indexed and includes a comprehensive introduction, newly written by the editor, which places the collected material in its historical and intellectual context. An essential reference collection, it is destined to be valued by scholars and students of criminology—as well as those working in the allied fields of sociology, politics, and urban studies—as a vital one-stop research and pedagogic resource.

    Volume I

    Part 1: Historical Perspectives

    1. E. Higgs (2001) ‘The Rise of the Information State: The Development of Central State Surveillance of the Citizen in England in 1500–2000’, Journal of Historical Sociology, 14, 2, 175–97.

    2. D. H. Flaherty (1988) ‘The Emergence of Surveillance Societies in the Western World: Towards the Year 2000’, Government Information Quarterly, 5, 4, 377–87.

    Part 2: Surveillance Theory and Culture

    3. C. Shearing and P. Stenning (1984) ‘From the Panopticon to Disneyworld: The Development of Discipline’, in A. Doob and E. Greenspan (eds.), Perspectives in Criminal Law (Aurora), pp. 335–49.

    4. G. T. Marx (1985) ‘The Surveillance Society: The Threat of Nineteen Eighty-Four-Style Techniques’, The Futurist, June, 21–6.

    5. O. H. Gandy Jr. (1989) ‘The Surveillance Society: Information Technology and Bureaucratic Social Control’, Journal of Communication, 39, 61–76.

    6. D. Lyon (1991) ‘Bentham’s Panopticon: From Moral Architecture to Electronic Surveillance’, Queen’s Quarterly, 98, 596–617.

    7. G. Deleuze (1992) ‘Postscript on the Societies of Control’, October, 59, 22, 3–7.

    8. D. Lyon (1993) ‘An Electronic Panopticon? A Sociological Critique of Surveillance Theory’, Sociological Review, 41, 653–78.

    9. D. Garland (1995) ‘Panopticon Days: Surveillance and Society’, Criminal Justice Matters, 20, 3–4.

    10. O. H. Gandy Jr. (1996) ‘Coming to Terms with the Panoptic Sort’, in D. Lyon and E Zureik (eds.), Computers, Surveillance and Privacy (University of Minnesota Press), pp. 132–55.

    11. G. T. Marx (1996) ‘Electronic Eye in the Sky: Some Reflections on the New Surveillance and Popular Culture’, in D. Lyon and E. Zureik (eds.), Computers, Surveillance and Privacy (University of Minnesota Press), pp. 193–233.

    12. T. Mathiesen (1997) ‘The Viewer Society: Michel Foucault’s "Panopticon" Revisited’, Theoretical Criminology, 1, 2, 215–34.

    13. M. McCahill (1998) ‘Beyond Foucault: Towards a Contemporary Theory of Surveillance’, in C. Norris, J. Moran, and G. Armstrong (eds.), Surveillance, Closed Circuit Television and Social Control (Ashgate), pp. 41–65.

    14. R. Boyne (2000) ‘Post-panopticism’, Economy and Society, 29, 2, 285–307.

    15. K. D. Haggerty and R. V. Ericson (2000) ‘The Surveillant Assemblage’, British Journal of Sociology, 51, 605–22.

    16. R. Jones (2000) ‘Digital Rule: Punishment, Control and Technology’, Punishment and Society, 2, 1, 5–22.

    17. V. P. Pecora (2002) ‘The Culture of Surveillance’, Qualitatative Sociology, 25, 3, 345–58.

    18. M. Yar (2003) ‘Panoptic Power and the Pathologisation of Vision: Critical Reflections on the Foucauldian Thesis’, Surveillance and Society, 1, 3, 254–71.

    19. K. Franko Aas (2004) ‘From Narrative to Database: Technological Change and Penal Culture’, Punishment and Society, 6, 4, 379–93.

    20. M. Los (2004) ‘The Technologies of Total Domination’, Surveillance and Society, 2, 1, 15–38.

    21. P. Marks (2005) ‘Imagining Surveillance: Utopian Visions and Surveillance Studies’, Surveillance and Society, 3, 2/3, 222–39.

    22. B. Simon (2005) ‘The Return of Panopticism: Supervision, Subjection, and the New Surveillance’, Surveillance and Society, 3, 1, 1–20.

    23. C. Norris and M. McCahill (2006) ‘CCTV: Beyond Penal Modernism?’, British Journal of Criminology, 46, 97–118.

    Volume II

    Part 3: Surveillance and Privacy

    24. J. Shattuck (1984), ‘In the Shadow of Nineteen Eighty-Four: National Identification Systems, Computer Matching, and Privacy in the United States’, Hastings Law Journal, 35, 6, 991–1005.

    25. P. E. Agre (1994) ‘Surveillance and Capture: Two Models of Privacy’, The Information Society, 10, 2, 101–27.

    26. J. Squires (1994) ‘Private Lives, Secluded Spaces: Privacy as Political Possibility’, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 12, 387–401.

    27. C. C. Gotlieb (1996) ‘Privacy: A Concept Whose Time Has Come and Gone’, in D. Lyon and E. Zureik (eds.), Computers, Surveillance and Privacy (University of Minnesota Press), pp. 156–71.

    28. Bruce Phillips (1997) ‘Privacy in a "Surveillance Society"’, University of New Brunswick Law Journal, 46, 127–38.

    29. B. J. Goold (2002) ‘Privacy Rights and Public Spaces: CCTV and the Problem of the "Unobservable Observer"’, Criminal Justice Ethics, 21, 1, 21–7.

    30. N. Taylor (2002) ‘State Surveillance and the Right to Privacy’, Surveillance and Society, 1, 66–85.

    31. B. J. Goold (2006) ‘Open to All? Regulating Open Street CCTV and the Case for "Symmetrical Surveillance"’, Criminal Justice Ethics, 25, 1, 3–17.

    Part 4: Surveillance and Criminal Justice

    32. N. Reichman (1987) ‘The Widening Webs of Surveillance’, in C. Shearing and P. Stenning (eds.), Private Policing (Sage), pp. 247–65.

    33. B. J. Goold (2003) ‘Public Area Surveillance and Police Work: The Impact of CCTV on Police Behaviour and Autonomy’, Surveillance and Society, 1, 2, 191–203.

    34. M. Nellis (2006) ‘Surveillance, Rehabilitation and Electronic Monitoring: Getting the Issues Clear’, Criminology and Public Policy, 5, 1, 103–8.

    35. S. Leman-Langlois (2003) ‘The Myopic Panopticon: The Social Consequences of Policing through the Lens’, Policing and Society, 13, 1, 43–58.

    36. M. Nellis (2003) ‘News Media, Popular Culture and the Electronic Monitoring of Offenders in England and Wales’, Howard Journal, 42, 1, 1–31.

    37. M. Lynch (2004) ‘Punishing Images: Jail Cam and Changing Penal Enterprise’, Punishment and Society, 6, 3, 255–70.

    Part 5: Public Area Surveillance and CCTV

    38. M. C. Musheno, J. P. Levine, and D. J. Palumbo (1978) ‘Television Surveillance and Crime Prevention: Evaluating an Attempt to Create Defensible Space in Public Housing’, Social Science Quarterly, 58, 4, 647–56.

    39. N. Grombridge and K. Murji (1994) ‘Obscured by Cameras?’, Criminal Justice Matters, 17, 9.

    40. J. Bannister, N. R. Fyfe, and A. Kearns (1998) ‘Closed Circuit Television and the City’, in C. Norris, J. Moran, and G. Armstrong (eds.), Surveillance, Closed Circuit Television and Social Control (Ashgate), pp. 21–39.

    41. J. Ditton (1998) ‘Public Support for Town Centre CCTV Schemes: Myth or Reality?’, in C. Norris, J. Moran, and G. Armstrong (eds.), Surveillance, Closed Circuit Television and Social Control (Ashgate), pp. 221–8.

    42. E. Short and J. Ditton (1998) ‘Seen and Now Heard: Talking to the Targets of Open Street CCTV’, British Journal of Criminology, 38, 3, 404–28.

    43. S. J. Fay (1998) ‘Tough on Crime, Tough on Civil Liberties: Some Negative Aspects of Britain’s Wholesale Adoption of CCTV Surveillance During the 1990s’, Law, Computers & Technology, 12, 2, 315–47.

    44. S. Graham (1998) ‘Towards the Fifth Utility? On the Extension and Normalisation of Public CCTV’, in C. Norris, J. Moran, and G. Armstrong (eds.), Surveillance, Closed Circuit Television and Social Control (Ashgate), pp. 89–112.

    45. V. Sivarajasingham and J. P. Shepherd (1999) ‘Effect of Closed Circuit Television on Urban Violence’, Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine, 16, 255–7.

    46. A. von Hirsch (2000) ‘The Ethics of Public Television Surveillance’, in A. von Hirsch, D. Garland, and A. Wakefield (eds.), Ethical and Social Perspectives on Situational Crime Prevention (Hart Publishing), pp. 59–76.

    47. K. S. Williams and C. Johnstone (2000) ‘The Politics of the Selective Gaze: Closed Circuit Television and the Policing of Public Space’, Crime, Law and Social Change, 34, 2, 183–210.

    48. R. Coleman and J. Sim (2000) ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone: CCTV Surveillance, Order and Neo-Liberal Rule in Liverpool City Centre’, British Journal of Sociology, 51, 4, 623–39.

    49. C. Norris (2003) ‘From Personal to Digital: CCTV, the Panopticon, and the Technological Mediation of Suspicion and Social Control’, in D. Lyon (ed.), Surveillance as Social Sorting: Privacy, Risk and Digital Discrimination (Routledge), pp. 249–81.

    Volume III

    Part 6: Surveillance and the Pursuit of Security

    50. P. Adey (2004) ‘Surveillance at the Airport: Surveilling Mobility/Mobilising Surveillance’, Environment and Planning A, 36, 8, 1365–80.

    51. D. Lyon (2003), ‘Airports as Data Filters: Converging Surveillance Systems after September 11th’, Journal of Information Communication and Ethics in Society, 1, 1, 13–20.

    52. L. Amoore and M. De Goede (2005) ‘Governance, Risk and Dataveillance in the War on Terror’, Crime, Law and Social Change, 43, 149–73.

    53. K. D. Haggerty and A. Gazso (2005) ‘Seeing Beyond the Ruins: Surveillance as a Response to Terrorist Threats’, Canadian Journal of Sociology, 30, 169–87.

    54. D. Bigo (2006) ‘Security, Exception, Ban and Surveillance’, in D. Lyon (ed.), Theorizing Surveillance: The Panopticon (Willan), pp. 46–68.

    55. C. Dandeker (2006) ‘Surveillance and Military Transformation: Organizational Trends in Twenty-First Century Armed Services’, in K. Haggerty and R. Ericson (eds.), The New Politics of Surveillance and Visibility (University of Toronto Press), pp. 225–49.

    Part 7: Surveillance and the Workplace

    56. Paul Attewell (1987) ‘Big Brother and the Sweatshop: Computer Surveillance in the Automated Office, Sociological Theory, 5, 1, 87–100.

    57. J. Rule and P. Brantley (1992) ‘Computerized Surveillance in the Workplace: Forms and Distribution’, Sociological Forum, 7, 405–23.

    58. M. McCahill and C. Norris (1999) ‘Watching the Workers: Crime, CCTV and the Workplace’, in P. Davies, V. Jupp, and P. Francis (eds.), Invisible Crimes: Their Victims and their Regulation (Macmillan), pp. 208–31.

    59. K. S. Ball (2001) ‘Situating Workplace Surveillance: Ethics and Computer-Based Performance Monitoring’, Ethics and Information Technology, 3, 3, 211–23.

    Part 8: Surveillance and the Information Society

    60. S. Green (1999) ‘A Plague on the Panopticon: Surveillance and Power in the Global Information Economy’, Information, Communication, and Society, 2, 1, 26–44.

    61. C. J. Bennett (2001) ‘Cookies, Web Bugs, Webcams and Cue Cats: Patterns of Surveillance on the World Wide Web’, Ethics and Information Technology, 3, 3, 197–210.

    62. D. Lyon (2002) ‘Surveillance in Cyberspace: The Internet, Personal Data, and Social Control’, Queen’s Quarterly, 109, 3, 345–56.

    Volume IV

    Part 9: Surveillance, Biometrics, and Identity

    63. J. B. Rule et al. (1983) ‘Documentary Identification and Mass Surveillance in the United States’, Social Problems, 31, 2, 222–34.

    64. Irma van der Ploeg (1999) ‘Written on the Body: Biometrics and Identity’, Computers and Society, March, 37–44.

    65. R. Clarke (1994) ‘The Digital Persona and its Application to Data Surveillance’, Information Society, 10, 2, 77–92.

    66. E. Zureik with Karen Hindle (2004), ‘Governance, Security and Technology: The Case of Biometrics’, Studies in Political Economy, 73, 2004, 113–37.

    67. K. Franko Aas (2006) ‘The Body Does Not Lie: Identity, Risk and Trust in Technoculture’, Crime Media Culture, 2, 2, 143–58.

    Part 10: Surveillance, Space, and Mobility

    68. S. Graham and D. Wood (2003) ‘Digitising Surveillance: Categorisation, Space, Inequality’, Critical Social Policy, 23, 2, 227–48.

    69. C. J. Bennett and P. M. Regan (2004) ‘Surveillance and Mobilities’, Surveillance and Society, 1, 4, 449–55.

    70. A. Wakefield (2005) ‘The Public Surveillance Function of Private Security’, Surveillance and Society, 2, 4, 529–45.

    Part 11: New Frontiers in Surveillance and Resistance

    71. C. Norris, J. Moran, and G. Armstrong (eds.) (1998) ‘Algorithmic Surveillance: The Future of Automated Visual Surveillance’, Surveillance, Closed Circuit Television and Social Control (Ashgate), pp. 255–75.

    72. K. Ball (2002) ‘Elements of Surveillance: A New Framework and Future Directions’, Information, Communication and Society, 5, 4, 573–90.

    73. M. Gray (2003) ‘Urban Surveillance and Panopticism: Will We Recognize the Facial Recognition Society?’, Surveillance and Society, 1, 3, 314–30.

    74. D. Nelkin and L. Andrews (2003) ‘Surveillance Creep in the Genetic Age’, in D. Lyon (ed.), Surveillance as Social Sorting: Privacy, Risk and Digital Discrimination (Routledge), pp. 94–110.

    75. N. D. Campbell (2004) ‘Technologies of Suspicion: Coercion and Compassion in Post-disciplinary Surveillance Regimes’, Surveillance and Society, 2, 1, 78–92.

    76. L. D. Introna and D. Wood (2004) ‘Picturing Algorithmic Surveillance: The Politics of Facial Recognition Systems’, Surveillance and Society, 2, 2/3, 177–98.

    77. G. T. Marx (2003) ‘A Tack in the Shoe: Neutralizing and Resisting the New Surveillance’, Journal of Social Issues, 59, 369–90.

    78. J. Gilliom (2005) ‘Resisting Surveillance’, Social Text, 83, 71–83.

    79. K. Ball (2006) ‘Organisation, Surveillance and the Body: Towards a Politics of Resistance’, in D. Lyon (ed.), Theorizing Surveillance: The Panopticon (Willan), pp. 296–317.


    Benjamin Goold is a University Lecturer in Law and a Fellow and Tutor at Somerville College, University of Oxford. His major research interests are in the use of surveillance technology by the police, and the relationship between individual privacy rights and the criminal law. He also writes on aspects of the Japanese criminal justice system, and is a member of the Faculty of Oriental Studies and an Associate Member of the Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies.

    Goold is the co-editor of the books Security and Human Rights (Hart Publishing, 2007), and Crime and Security (Ashgate, 2006). He is the author of the upcoming book Surveillance, part of Routledge’s Key Issues in Criminology Series and of CCTV and Policing: Public Area Surveillance and Police Practices in Britain (Clarendon Series in Criminology) (Oxford Univ. Press, 2004). He recently co-authored a major research report for the Ministry of Justice on human rights and security, entitled Public Protection, Proportionality, and the Search for Balance.