1st Edition

Nationalism in Southeast Asia If the People Are with Us

By Nicholas Tarling Copyright 2004

    Nationalism in Southeast Asia seeks a definition of nationalism through examining its role in the history of southeast Asia, a region rarely included in general books on the topic. By developing such a definition and testing it out, Tarling hopes at the same time to make a contribution to southeast Asian historiography and to limit its 'ghettoization'.

    Tarling considers the role of nationalism in the 'nation-building' of the post-colonial phase, and its relationship both with the democratic aspirations associated with the winning of independence and with the authoritarianism of the closing decades of the 20th century.

    Part 1 Definitions and Chronologies 1. Definitions 2. Chronologies Part 2 Colonial States 3. Construction 4. Nationalist Movements 5. Invasion and Interregnum Part 3 Nation-States 6. Independence 7. Popular Sovereignty 8. Challenges Part 4 Historiography 9. History and Heritage Bibliographical Note Index


    Nicholas Tarling is a Fellow of the New Zealand Asia Institute, The University of Auckland.