344 Pages
    by Routledge

    Since the first half of the twentieth century, a number of Swedish economists have made lasting contributions to the science of economics. Eminent names in this field include Knut Wicksell, Gustav Cassell, Gunar Myrdal and Bertil Ohlin. This set reprints nine books and a collection of essays, by and about, the Swedish economists.
    The first volume contains an introductory review article by Bo Sandelin on Swedish economics 1900-1960 in addition to an insightful cross-section of articles by such prominent names as Heckscher, Frisch, Palander, Siven and Ackerman. This volume includes Ohlin's articles from the 1937 Economic Journal where he first coined the term 'Stockholm School'.
    The first monographs in the set are Wicksell's celebrated Lectures on Political Economy. Cassell's system is summarized in his Fundamental Thoughts in Economics. Ohlin is represented by his path-breaking Interregional and International Trade, Myrdal by his critical The Political Element in the Development of Economic Theory, Lindahl by Studies in the Theory of Money and Capital, Bent Hansen by A Study in the Theory of Inflation, Lundberg Meidner, Rehn and Wickman by Wages Policy Under Full Employment and Lundberg also by Business Cycles and Economic Policy.

    'The value of this unique collection of article's is enhanced by the quality of the editor's introduction.' - International Labour Review