240 Pages
    by Routledge

    240 Pages
    by Routledge

    Universes discusses the alleged evidence of fine tuning; mechanisms by which a varied set of Universes might be generated, and whether belief in God could be preferable to accepting universes in vast numbers.

    1 World Ensemble, or Design 2 The Evidence of Fine Tuning 3 Further Evidence 4 Multiple Worlds 5 The Need to Explain Life 6 Anthropic Explanations 7 The Design Argument 8 God 9 Conclusions


    John Leslie is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Guelph. He edited Physical Cosmology and Philosophy and is the author of Value and Existence and The End of the World.

    'This is an exciting and important book.' - Anthony Flew, Philosophical Books

    'John Leslie has written far and away the best book about the anthropic principle.' - John Polkinghorne, Cambridge University

    'Leslie's Universes is written with a good deal of philosophical courage and much originality, virtues rather rare in contemporary philosophy.' - Zygon