200 Pages
    by Routledge

    196 Pages
    by Routledge

    In this volume of essays Russell is concerned to combat, in one way or another, the growth of dogmatism, whether of the Left or of the Right, which has hitherto characterised our tragic century.

    Introduction -- Preface -- 1 Philosophy and Politics -- 2 Philosophy for Laymen -- 3 The Future of Mankind -- 4 Philosophy's Ulterior Motives -- 5 The Superior Virtue of the Oppressed -- 6 On Being Modern-minded -- 7 An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish -- 8 The Functions of a Teacher -- 9 Ideas that have Helped Mankind -- 10 Ideas that have Harmed Mankind -- 11 Eminent Men I Have Known -- 12 Obituary.


    Bertrand Russell,

    `Russell is as incapable of being dull as he is of being shallow.' - The Observer

    `An intellectual treat ... ' - Financial Times