320 Pages
    by Chapman & Hall

    Based on the careful analysis of several hundred publications, this book uniformly describes basic methods of analysis and critical results of the theory of retrial queues.
    Chapters discuss:

  • analysis of single-server retrial queues, including stationary and transient distribution of the number in the system, busy period, waiting time process, limit theorems, stochastic inequalities, traffic measurement
  • multiserver retrial queues - ergodicity, explicit formulas, algorithmic solutions, limit theorems, approximations
  • advanced single-server and multiserver retrial queues - models with priority subscribers, non-ersistent subscribers, finite source queues
    Lecturers, researchers, and students in probability, statistics, operations research, telecommunications, and computer systems modeling analysis will find Retrial Queues to be an invaluable resource.
  • The Main Single-Server Model
    Description of the Main Model of M/G/1 Type
    Joint Distribution of the Server State and the Queue Length in the Steady State
    The Embedded Markov Chain
    Limit Theorems for the Stationary Distribution of the Queue Length
    Stochastic Inequalities
    The Busy Period
    The Number of Customers in the System in the Nonstationary Regime
    The Waiting Time Process
    The Departure Process
    Estimation of Retrial Rate in the Case of Exponential Service
    The Main Multiserver Model
    Description of the Model
    Explicit Formulas for the Main Performance Characteristics
    Truncated Model
    Generalized Truncated Models
    Numerical Calculation of the Stationary Characteristics of the Main Model
    Limit Theorems
    Advanced Single-Server Models
    A Single-Server Batch Arrival Retrial Queue
    A Single-Server Model with Priority Subscribers
    A Single-Server Model with Impatient Subscribers
    A Single-Server Multiclass Retrial Queue
    Advanced Multiserver Models
    A Single-Server Model with Priority Subscribers
    A Single-Server Model with Impatient Subscribers
    A Multiserver Retrial Queue with A Finite Number of Sources of Primary Calls
    Bibliographical Remarks
    The Main Single-Server Model
    The Main Multichannel Model
    Advanced Single-Server Models
    Advanced Multiserver Models
    Author Index
    Subject Index


    Falin\, G; Templeton\, James G C