1st Edition

Community Care of Older People

By David Beales Copyright 1998

    This comprehensive book gives an up-to-date profile of all aspects of the care of older people in the community, with particular emphasis on the importance of maintaining function and independence as well as health. In a uniquely broad approach, the book is edited by two family doctors with a particular interest in the elderly and a consultant geriatrician, and the varied subjects are each presented by experts in their field. This accessible book enables primary care teams to produce optimal standards of care in old age, and is helpful in the organization of preventive care programmes. Emphasizing the need for joint working, the book draws together practical knowledge and skills to produce an essential source of reference and advice for all those involved in delivering a co-ordinated service. It is essential reading for all doctors in general practice and in public health, medical students and all other professionals whose work brings them into contact with elderly people. It is particularly useful for general practice teams, allied professionals such as nurses and physiotherapists, as well as patients and carers seeking an understanding of good practice. It also contains much practical information vital to the work of voluntary agencies, social service departments and specialists in geriatric medicine.

    1. Ageing – the Biology of Growing Old 2. The Demography of Old Age 3. The Presentation and Management of Physical Disease in Older People 4. The Presentation and Management of Mental Disease in Older People 5. Prescribing and the Older Patient in the Community 6. Nutrition of Older People 7. Anticipatory Care of Older People in the Community 8. The Practical Organization of Screening and Socio-Medical Assessment in Old Age 9. Health Promotion and Keeping Fit in Old Age 10. Community Nursing and Primary Care 11. Institutional Care of Older People in the Community 12. Disability and Rehabilitation for Older People 13. Special Services for Older People 14. Law and the Older Patient 15. Medical Ethics in Community Care 16. Older People in Ethnic Minority Groups 17. Taking the Diploma in Geriatric Medicine 18. The Carer’s Perspective


    David Beales