1st Edition

Education In Drama

By David Hornbrook Copyright 1991

    Hornbrook, referring to current legislation, argues the case for an organized curricular framework for drama in the 1990s which develops in children the activities of designing, directing, acting, writing and evaluating - all within the range of the historic context of dramatic work. He asserts that recent drama teaching in Britain has been child-centred and psychological, and viewed as a learning medium rather than as an aesthetic study in itself. This, he believes, has had the effect of cutting children off from the variegated world of the theatre and, in the broader sense, from any collective aesthetic or historical dimension. This book is intended mainly for the use of primary and secondary school teachers.

    Chapter 1 Setting the Stage; Chapter 2 Understanding Drama; Chapter 3 Telling Tales: A Framework for Dramatic Art; Chapter 4 The Dramatic Curriculum 1: Production; Chapter 5 The Dramatic Curriculum 2: Reception; Chapter 6 Progression and Achievement;


    David Hornbrook