1720 Pages
    by Routledge

    The thought-provoking articles in Conservation can assist in catalyzing the transition to a new green economy by shaping the mind-sets of leaders, students, teachers and the public alike.' Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary General and Executive Director, UN Environment Programme (UNEP) 'An extremely useful compilation of articles on the complex issues underlying nature conservation.' Ashish Kothari, Co-chair, IUCN Intercommission Strategic Direction on Governance, Equity, and Livelihoods in Relation to Protected Areas (TILCEPA) 'In this intelligently chosen, broadly ranging set of readings on conservation, Professor Adams assembles a set of vital readings for professionals, teachers, students, and the interested public.' Kent Redford, Director, Wildlife Conservation Society Institute This 4-volume set, edited by a leading expert on nature conservation, brings together in one collection a series of papers fundamental to understanding the social, political, cultural and scientific dimensions of conservation. Each volume is introduced by a new review essay, which both sets the scope for the collection and advances analytical understanding of conservation issues. Volume I covers the historical development of conservation ideas and reviews the diverse contemporary philosophical, ethical, cultural and practical arguments for conservation. Volume II addresses the core issue of conservation: the maintenance of living diversity in the face of human demands on the biosphere. The intention here is not to offer a sourcebook of conservation science, but to include the key texts that have changed the way conservation is understood and practised. Volume III explores the overlaps and conflicts between conservation and development, andwin-win solutions to conflicts between the two, including ideas of sustainable development. Volume IV presents work on conservation as an essentially political process, drawing chiefly on social science and, in particular, political ecology and environmental history.

    Volume I: The Idea of Conservation Editorial Introduction to Volume I Part I: Western Ideas of Nature 1. Creating a Second Nature 2. The Origins of Environmentalism 3. Walking 4. The Hetch Hetchy Valley 5. A Fable for Tomorrow and the Obligation to Endure Part II: Indigenous Ideas of Nature and Conservation 6. Animals 7. Traditional Knowledge Systems in Practice Part III: The Misuse of Nature 8. Destructiveness of Man and Human and Brute Action Compared 9. Principles of Conservation 10. The Former Abundance of Wildlife 11. The Round River Part IV: Philosophies of Conservation 12. Ideas of Nature 13. The Cultural Approach to Conservation Biology 14. The Conservation Ethic 15. Definitions, Values and Philosophies Part V: Wilderness and Countryside 16. Thinking Like a Mountain 17. The Trouble with Wilderness; or Getting Back to the Wrong Nature 18. The Making of an Ideal Part VI: Protecting Nature 19. Perspectives 20. The Carbon Connection Index Volume II: The Conservation of Diversity Editorial Introduction to Volume II Part I: Biodiversity and Biodiversity Loss 1. The Vulnerable Earth: Toward a Planetary History 2. Biodiversity Threatened 3. Human domination of Earth's ecosystems Part II: Understanding Change in Nature 4. Anecdotes and the Shifting Baseline Syndrome of Fisheries 5. What is Natural? The Need for a Long-term Perspective in Biodiversity Conservation 6. False Forest History, Complicit Social Analysis: Rethinking Some West African Environmental Narratives Part III: Ecology and Conservation 7. The Use and Abuse of Vegetational Concepts and Terms 8. Resilience and Stability of Ecological Systems 9. Pyromancy: Reading Stories in the Flames Part IV: Conservation Planning 10. Biodiversity Hotspots for Conservation Priorities 11. The Global 200: A Representation Approach to Conserving the Earth's Most Biologically Valuable Ecoregions 12. Mapping the Conservation Landscape 13. Systematic Conservation Planning Part V: Managing Species and Spaces 14. Command and Control and the Pathology of Natural Resource Management 15. Directions in Conservation Biology 16. The Island Dilemma: Lessons of Modern Biogeographic Studies for the Design of Natural Reserves 17. A Regional Landscape Approach to Maintain Diversity 18. Effectiveness of Parks in Protecting Tropical Biodiversity Part VI: Conservation Management and Restoration 19. Biological Invasions: Winning the Science Battles but Losing the Conservation War? 20. Restoration Ecology: Repairing the Earth's Ecosystems in the New Millennium Index Volume III: Conservation and Development Editorial Introduction to Volume III Part I: Conservation and Sustainable Development 1. The Land Ethic 2. Towards Sustainable Development 3. Conservation of Biodiversity in a World of Use 4. Biodiversity Conservation and the Eradication of Poverty Part II: Sustainability and Wild Harvests 5. Fishing Down Marine Food Webs 6. Having Your Wildlife and Eating It Too: An Analysis of Hunting Sustainability Across Tropical Ecosystems 7. Requiem for the Grand Banks Part III: Institutions and Environmental Management 8. The Struggle to Govern the Commons 9. Human Ecology and Resource Sustainability: The Importance of Institutional Diversity 10. People, Livelihoods and Collective Action in Biodiversity Management Part IV: Economics and Conservation 11. The Value of Nature and the Nature of Value 12. Who Should Pay for Tropical Conservation, and How Could the Costs Be Met? 13. Direct Payments to Conserve Biodiversity Part V: Community and Conservation 14. If Community Conservation is the Answer, What is the Question? 15. Enchantment and Disenchantment: The Role of Community in Natural Resource Conservation 16. The Background to Community-based Conservation 17. Planning for People and Parks: Design Dilemmas 18. The Future of Integrated Conservation and Development Projects: Building on What Works 19. Sustainable Use and Incentive-driven Conservation: Realigning Human and Conservation Interests Index Volume IV: The Politics of Conservation Editorial Introduction to Volume IV Part I: The State, Conservation and Protected Areas 1. Nature and Space 2. Nature-State-Territory: Towards a Critical Theorization of Conservation Enclosures 3. The Environmental Challenge to the Nation-State: Superparks and National Parks Policy in Zimbabwe 4. Coercing Conservation? The Politics of State Resource Control Part II: Science, Knowledge and the Politics of Conservation 5. Deliberative Democracy and Participatory Biodiversity 6. Environmentality: Community, Intimate Government, and the Making of Environmental Subjects in Kumaon, India 7. Non-governmental Organizations and Governmentality: 'Consuming' Biodiversity and Indigenous People in the Philippines 8. Green Dots, Pink Hearts: Displacing Politics from the Malaysian Rainforest 9. The Shifting Middle Ground: Amazonian Indians and Eco-politics 10.The 'Wild', the Market and the Native: Indigenous People Face New Forms of Global Colonization 11. Radical American Environmentalism and Wilderness Preservation: A Third World Critique Part III: The Social Impacts of Protected Areas 12. Salvaging Nature: Indigenous Peoples and Protected Areas 13. Farewell Song 14. Displacement and Relocation from Protected Areas: Towards a Biological and Historical Synthesis 15. The Winding Road: Incorporating Social Justice and Human Rights into Protected Areas Policies 16. Political Incentives for Biodiversity Conservation Part IV: Conservation Futures 17. Love it Or Lose it: The Coming Biophilia Revolution 18. Nature Matrix: Reconnecting People and Nature 19. Society With Nature 20. Optimism and Hope in a Hotter Time Index


    William M. (Bill) Adams is the Moran Professor of Conservation and Development at the University of Cambridge, UK, and a Senior Editor of Oryx: The International Journal of Conservation. He has written and edited numerous books on conservation, including Future Nature: A Vision for Conservation (now in its second edition), Decolonizing Nature: Strategies for Conservation in a Post-colonial Era (edited with Martin Mulligan) and Against Extinction: The Story of Conservation. His book Green Development: Environment and Sustainability in the Third World was first published in 1990 with its third edition published in 2008.