1st Edition

Breeding of Neglected and Under-Utilized Crops, Spices, and Herbs

Edited By Sergio Ochatt, S.M. Jain Copyright 2007

    This book includes 20 different chapters, where the authors have addressed various aspects of the cultivation, taxonomy, socio-economic importance and breeding and development as applied to neglected and underutilized crops. The first chapter deals with the more general aspects of the cultivation and propagation of these crops, thirteen chapters concentrate on specific neglected crops, nine of which focus on seed propagated crops and the remaining four on vegetative propagated ones, while the last five chapters describe the uses, importance, propagation and improvement of neglected and under-utilized crops from different regions of the world.

    Underutilised Fruits: A Resource for Sustainable Livelihoods
    Induced Mutation in Grasspea (Lathyrus sativus L.)
    The Lathyrus Paradox: A "Poor Men's Diet" or a Remarkable Genetic Resource for Protein Legume Breeding?
    Towards Genetic Improvement of Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.)
    Faster Breeding of Bambara Groundnut: Mutational Cum in vitro Approaches
    Geographical Distribution of the Andean Lupin (Lupinus mutabilis)
    Quinoa's World Potential
    Characterization of Chenopodium Germplasm, Selection of Putative Mutants and its Cytogenetic Study
    Improvement and Rehabilitation of Traditional and Neglected Food Crops Through Mutation Techniques: Development and Evaluation of Mutant Germplasm of Amaranthus tricolor; Improvement of Delected Amaranthus Cultivars by Means of Mutation Induction and Biotechnological Approaches
    Cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott) and Breeding; Improvement of Cocoyam (Xanthosoma Sagittifolium) in Ghana; Solanum aethiopicum L. and S. anguivi Lam. in Uganda: Utilization Aspects
    Nigella sativa - A Potential Commodity in Crop Diversification Traditionally Used in Healthcare
    Plantago Ovata - A Crop of Arid and Dry Climates with Immense Herbal and Pharmaceutical Importance
    Genetic Improvement and Utilization of Major Under-utilised Crops in India
    Minor and Underutilised Spices and Herbs
    Conservation of Underutilised Species in Malaysia: Resources for the Future
    Indigenous Crops with Potential but Undertutilised in South Africa
    In vitro Culture for Propagation and Cultivation of Rare and Under-utilized Australian Plants


    Sergio Ochatt