1st Edition

Nucleic Acids In Plants Volume I

By Timothy C. Hall Copyright 1979

    Our ambition in the organization of this book was to explore the current stus of knowledge about nucleic acids in plants. We wanted the reader to be able to learn how this research is being undertaken. Therefore, we asked the contributing authors to include details of approaches and methods. Where feasible, the have provided protocols that can be followed by those who wish to repeat results, extend data, make improvements, or use them in new applications.

    Plant DNA Part 1. Plant Genome Organization and Its Relationship to Classical Plant Genetics 2. Chloroplast DNA- Structure, Transcription and Replication Plant RNA 1. RNA Polymerases in Plants 2. Cytoplasmic and Organellar tRNAs in Plants 3. Ribosomal RNA of Plants 4. Plant Messenger RNA


    Timothy C. Hall