1st Edition

Handbook of Energy Utilization In Agriculture

By David Pimentel Copyright 1980

    The aim of this volume is to collect and present available data, both published and unpublished, on energy use in agriculture and forestry production. Energy analyses for some sciences such as ecology are not new, but their applications to agriculture started in 1973. These analyses have grown rapidly in number and complexity. This handbook is intended for agriculturalists and others concerned with energy use in crop, livestock, and forestry production.

    1. Introduction 2. Energy Values for Various Agricultural Inputs 3. Energy Inputs and Outputs for Crop Systems - Field Crops 4. Energy Inputs and Outputs for Crop Systems - Vegetables 5. Energy Inputs and Outputs for Crop Systems - Fruits and Tree Crops 6. Energy Inputs and Outputs for Livestock Production Systems 7. Energy Inputs and Outputs for Marine Fishery Production 8. Energy inputs and Outputs for Forestry Production