1st Edition

Routledge Library Editions: Inflation

    1908 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally published between 1951 and 1987, the 8 volumes in this set:

    • Provide a wide-ranging and critical review of both first and second generation theories of inflation (and the related problem of unemployment), including the classical approach to macroeconomics.
    • Examine how inflation as a policy has come about in modern democracies, how it works, how to avoid it and at what cost
    • Reassess the strengths and weaknesses of incomes policies
    • Examine pay control policies in major Western economies and survey developments from 1945, explore the aims of pay policies and discusse the problems of implementation, comparing the different kinds of policies.

    1. Problems of labour and inflation Hilde Behrend 2. Wage restraint and the control of inflation : an international survey Edited by Beth Bilson 3. Inflation, growth and international finance Alec Cairncross 4. Incomes policies, inflation and relative pay Edited by J. L. Fallick and R. F. Elliott 5. A Study in the Theory of Inflation Bent Hansen 6. Inflation : a theoretical survey and synthesis John Hudson 7. Inflation and Society Graham Hutton 8. Inflation and unemployment : theory, experience and policy-making Edited by V. E. Argy and John W. Nevile


    Multivolume collection by leading authors in the field