1st Edition

Advances in Hopf Algebras

Edited By Jeffrey Bergen Copyright 1994
    344 Pages
    by CRC Press

    "This remarkable reference covers topics such as quantum groups, Hopf Galois theory, actions and coactions of Hopf algebras, smash and crossed products, and the structure of cosemisimple Hopf algebras. "

    Hopf Algebras and Local Galois Module Theory; Quantum Commutativity and Central Invariants; Generalized Smash Products and Morita Contexts for Arbitrary Hopf Algebras; Algebras and Hopf Algebras in Braided Categories; Quotient Theory of Hopf Algebras; Cosemisimple Hopf Algebras; Endomorphism Bialgebras of Diagrams and of Noncommutative Algebras and Spaces; The (Almost) Right Connes Spectrum; Hopf Galois Extensions, Crossed Products, and Clifford Theory; Algebraic Aspects of Linearly Recursive Sequences; Relations of Representations of Quantrum Groups and Finite Groups.


    Jeffrey Bergen