256 Pages
    by Routledge

    256 Pages
    by Routledge

    Advalue is organised into four sections, according to where the advertising effect is to be seen:

    * Company value effects
    * Business performance effects
    * Customer effects
    * Brand effects

    In addition, there is a brief introductory section and each chapter is prefaced by a short executive summary describing 'the argument in brief'.

    The individual authors are leading experts in their fields drawn from the advertising industry, the client community and the academic world. The book is aimed both at an advertising audience and at a general business audience - spanning from Finance to Marketing - who need to tie advertising spend to tangible outcomes.

    How advertising impacts on profitability; How advertising impacts on share price; Advertising and profitability: the long-term returns; How advertising affects shareholder value; How advertising drives sales and profit; How advertising impacts the sales process; How advertising motivates the workforce; How online advertising can produce measurable business effects; Advertising during a recession; How advertising affects customer loyalty; Role of advertising in the total communications mix; Tangible demonstrations of the advertising contribution; The advertising contribution to brand preference; How advertising affects brand value; Advertising & the long-term success of the premium brand; How advertising works for corporate brands; Advertising and the non-conventional brand.


    Leslie Butterfield