1872 Pages
    by Routledge

    A striking consequence of contemporary globalization has been an increase in the importance and prestige of cities. Whereas only a generation or so ago cities were commonly viewed as ‘problems’, the sites of society’s ills, today they are more readily seen as ‘solutions’, places where twenty-first century dilemmas can most successfully be resolved. Hence, argue the editors of this new four-volume collection from Routledge, while globalization is generally viewed as eroding the influence of states, cities have come to the fore as the new spatial frame of the future. The old modern international organization of states as a worldwide mosaic of borders is being challenged by transnational spaces of flows organized through city nodes in global networks.

    As serious work on and around the subject flourishes as never before, Global Cities answers the need for an authoritative reference work to map and make sense of a vast body of literature and a continuing explosion in research output. Edited by a team of leading scholars, the collection brings together in four volumes the very best foundational and cutting-edge contributions.

    The set is fully indexed and each component volume has a comprehensive introduction, newly written by the editors, which places the gathered material in its historical and intellectual context. Global Cities is an essential resource and is destined to be valued by scholars and students as a vital one-stop research tool.


    edited by Michael Hoyler and Peter J. Taylor

    Part 1: Antecedents

    1. P. Hall, ‘The Metropolitan Explosion’, The World Cities (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1966), pp. 7–29.

    2. J. Gottmann, ‘Urban Centrality and the Interweaving of Quaternary Activities’, in J. Gottmann and R.A. Harper (eds) Since Megalopolis: The Urban Writings of Jean Gottmann (The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990), pp. 43-62.

    Part 2: Foundation Studies

    3. J. Friedmann, ‘The World City Hypothesis’, Development and Change, 1986, 17, 1, 69–83.

    4. S. Sassen, ‘Overview’, The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo (Princeton University Press, 1991), pp. 3–15.

    5. M. Castells, ‘The Social Theory of Space and the Theory of the Space of Flows’, The Rise of the Network Society (Blackwell, 1996), pp. 410–18.

    6. S. Sassen, ‘A New Geography of Centers and Margins’, Cities in a World Economy (Pine Forge Press, 1994), pp. 119-24.

    Part 3: Global/World City Critiques and Debates

    7. R. Korff, ‘The World City Hypothesis: A Critique’, Development and Change, 1987, 18, 3, 483–93.

    8. J. W. White, ‘Old Wine, Cracked Bottle? Tokyo, Paris and the Global City Hypothesis’, Urban Affairs Review, 1998, 33, 4, 451–77.

    9. S. Sassen, ‘Swirling That Old Wine Around in the Wrong Bottle: A Comment on White’, Urban Affairs Review, 1998, 33, 4, 478–81.

    10. M. P. Smith, ‘The Global City: Whose Social Construct is it Anyway? A comment on White’, Urban Affairs Review, 1998, 33, 4, 482–8.

    11. J. W. White, ‘Half-Empty Bottle or No Bottle At All? A Rejoinder to Sassen and Smith’, Urban Affairs Review, 1998, 33, 4, 489–91.

    12. J. Robinson, ‘Global and World Cities: A View From Off the Map’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 2002, 26, 3, 531–54.

    Part 4: World City Network Analyses

    13. P. J. Taylor, ‘Specification of the World City Network’, Geographical Analysis, 2001, 33, 2, 181–94.

    14. P. J. Taylor, G. Catalano, D. R. F. Walker, and M. Hoyler, ‘Diversity and Power in the World City Network’, Cities, 2002, 19, 4, 231–41.

    15. J. Beckfield and A. S. Alderson, ‘Globalization and the World City System: Preliminary Results from a Longitudinal Data Set’, in P. J. Taylor et al. (eds.), Cities in Globalization (Routledge, 2006), pp. 21–36.

    16. P. J. Taylor, ‘Leading World Cities: Empirical Evaluations of Urban Nodes in Multiple Networks’, Urban Studies, 2005, 42, 9, 1593–608.

    17. Z. P. Neal, ‘The Duality of World Cities and Firms: Comparing Networks, Hierarchies, and Inequalities in the Global Economy’, Global Networks, 2008, 8, 1, 94–115.

    18. B. Derudder, P. J. Taylor, P. Ni, A. de Vos, M. Hoyler, H. Hassens, D. Bassens, J. Huang, F. Witlox, W. Shen, and X. Yang, ‘Pathways of Change: Shifting Connectivities in the World City Network, 2000-08’, Urban Studies, 2010, 47, 9, 1861–77.

    Part 5: World City Network Debates and Extensions

    19. B. Derudder, ‘On Conceptual Confusion in Empirical Analyses of a Transnational Urban Network’, Urban Studies, 2006, 43, 11, 2027–46.

    20. P. J. Taylor, ’Parallel Paths to Understanding Global Inter-City Relations’, American Journal of Sociology, 2006, 112, 3, 881–94.

    21. J. Beckfield and A. S. Alderson, ’Whither the Parallel Paths? The Future of Scholarship on the World City System’, American Journal of Sociology, 2006, 112, 3, 895–904.

    22. D. Bassens, B. Derudder, and F. Witlox, ‘Searching for the Mecca of Finance: Islamic Financial Services and the World City Network’, Area, 2010, 42, 1, 35–46.

    23. J. Allen, ‘Powerful City Networks: More Than Connections, Less Than Domination and Control’, Urban Studies, 2010, 47, 13, 2895–911.

    24. P. J. Taylor, M. Hoyler, and R. Verbruggen, ‘External Urban Relation Process: Introducing Central Flow Theory to Complement Central Place Theory’, Urban Studies, 2010, 47, 13, 2803–18.


    edited by J. V. Beaverstock and J. R. Faulconbridge

    Part 1: Antecedents

    25. R. B. Cohen, ‘The New International Division of Labour, Multinational Corporations and Urban Hierarchy’,

    in M. Dear and A. Scott (eds.), Urbanisation and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society (Methuen, 1981), pp. 287–318.

    26. D. A. Heenan, ‘Global Cities of Tomorrow’, Harvard Business Review, 1977, 55, 79–92.

    27. S. Hymer, ‘The Multinational Corporation and the Law of Uneven Development’, in Jagdish N. Bhagwati (eds.), Economics and World Order from the 1970s to the 1990s (Collier-Macmillan, 1972), pp. 113–40.

    Part 2: Foundation Studies

    28. M. Castells, ‘European Cities, the Informational Society, and the Global Economy’, Tijdsriftvoor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 1983, 84, 4, 247–57.

    29. S. Sassen, ‘The Rise of Global Cities and the New Labor Demand’, The Mobility of Capital and Labour (Cambridge University Press, 1988), pp. 126–70.

    30. N. J. Thrift, ‘The Fixers: The Urban Geography of International Commercial Capital’, in J. Henderson and M. Castells (eds.), Global Restructuring and Territorial Development (Sage, 1987), pp. 203–33.

    Part 3: International Financial Centres

    31. G. L. Clark, ‘London in the European Financial Services Industry: Locational Advantages and Product Complementarities’, Journal of Economic Geography, 2002, 2, 4, 433–53.

    32. S. Sassen, ‘Global Financial Centers’, Financial Affairs, 1998, 78, 1, 75–87.

    33. N. J. Thrift, ‘On the Social and Cultural Determinants of International Financial Centres: The Case of the City of London’, in S. Corbridge, R. L. Martin, and N. J. Thrift (eds.), Money, Power and Space (Blackwell, 1994), pp. 327–55.

    Part 4: Knowledge in Global Cities

    34. A. Amin and N. Thrift, ‘Neo-Marshallian Nodes in Global Networks’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 1992, 16, 4, 571–87.

    35. G. Grabher, ‘Ecologies of Creativity: The Village, the Group and the Heterarchic Organisation of the British Advertising Industry’, Environment and Planning A, 2001, 33, 351–74.

    36. K. Olds, ‘Global Assemblage: Singapore, Foreign Universities and the Construction of a "Global Education Hub"’, World Development, 2007, 35, 6, 959–75.

    Part 5: Transnational Elite Migration

    37. J. V. Beaverstock, ‘Re-thinking Skilled International Labour Migration: World Cities and Banking Organisations’, Geoforum, 1994, 25, 3, 323–38.

    38. A. M. Findlay, F. L. N. Li, A. J. Jowett and R. Skeldon, 'Skilled International Migration and the Global City: A Study of Expatriates in Hong Hong', Transaction of the Institute of British Geographers NS, 1996, 21, 1, 49-61.

    39. L. Sklair, ‘The Transnational Capitalist Class and Contemporary Architecture in Globalizing Cities’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 2005, 29, 3, 485–500.

    Part 6: Contemporary Global Corporations

    40. W. Carroll, ‘Global Cities in the Global Corporate Network’, Environment and Planning A, 2007, 39, 10, 2297–323.

    41. J. Faulconbridge, S. Hall, and J. V. Beaverstock, ‘New Insights Into the Internationalization of Producer Services: Organizational Strategies and Spatial Economies for Global Headhunting Firms’, Environment and Planning A, 2008, 41, 1, 210–34.

    42. B. Warf, ‘Global Dimensions of US Legal Services’, Professional Geographer, 2001, 53, 3, 398–406.


    edited by Ben Derudder and Frank Witlox

    Part 1: Antecedents

    43. E. Taaffe, ‘The Urban Hierarchy: An Air Passenger Definition’, Economic Geography, 1962, 38, 1, 1–14.

    44. C. F. J. Whebell, ‘Corridors: A Theory of Urban Systems’, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 1969, 59, 1, 1–26.

    45. A. F. Burghardt, ‘A Hypothesis About Gateway Cities’, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 1971, 61, 2, 269–85.

    46. J. H. Bird, ‘Of Central Places, Cities and Seaports’, Geography, 1973, 58, 2, 105–18.

    Part 2: Foundation Studies

    47. B. Warf, ‘Telecommunications and the Globalization of Financial Services’, The Professional Geographer, 1989, 41, 3, 257–71.

    48. B. Slack, ‘Port Services, Ports and the Urban Hierarchy’, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 1989, 80, 4, 236–43.

    49. R. L. Michelson and J. O. Wheeler, ‘The Flow of Information in a Global Economy: The Role of the American Urban System in 1990’, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 1994, 84, 1, 87–107.

    50. D. J. Keeling, ‘Transport and the World City Paradigm’, in P. L. Knox and P. J. Taylor (eds.), World Cities in a World-System (Cambridge University Press, 1995), pp. 115–31.

    Part 3: Ports

    51. W. Jacobs, C. Ducruet, and P. De Langen, ‘Integrating World Cities Into Production Networks: The Case of Port Cities’, Global Networks, 2010, 10, 1, 92–113.

    52. S. W. Lee and C. Ducruet, ‘Spatial Glocalization in Asian Hub Port Cities: A Comparison of Hong Kong and Singapore’, Urban Geography, 2009, 30, 2, 162–84.

    53. M. Hesse, ‘Cities, Material Flows, and the Geography of Spatial Interactions: Urban Places in the System of Chains’, Global Networks, 2010, 10, 1, 75–91.

    Part 4: Airports

    54. D. Smith and M. Timberlake, ‘World City Networks and Hierarchies, 1977–1997: An Empirical Analysis of Global Air Travel Links’, American Behavioral Scientist, 2001, 44, 10, 1656–78.

    55. M. Zook and S. Brunn, ‘From Podes to Antipodes: New Dimensions in Mapping Global Airline Geographies’, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2006, 96, 3, 471–90.

    56. T. H. Grubesic and T. C. Matisziw, ‘World Cities and Airline Networks’, in B. Derudder, M. Hoyler, P. J. Taylor, and F. Witlox (eds.), International Handbook of Globalization and World Cities (Edward Elgar, 2012).

    Part 5: Telegeography

    57. S. Graham, ‘Global Grids of Glass: On Global Cities, Telecommunications, and Planetary Urban Networks’, Urban Studies, 1999, 36, 5–6, 929–44.

    58. E. J. Malecki and H. Wei, ‘A Wired World: The Evolving Geography of Submarine Cables and the Shift to Asia’, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2009, 99, 2, 360–82.

    59. T. H. Grubesic, T. C. Matisziw, and D. A. J. Ripley, ‘Approximating the Geographical Characteristics of Internet Flows’, Journal of Urban Technology, 2011, 18, 1, 51–71.

    Part 6: Combined Infrastructures

    60. J. H. Choi, G. A. Barnett, and B. S. Chon, ‘Comparing World City Networks: A Network Analysis of Internet Backbone and Air Transport Intercity Linkages’, Global Networks, 2006, 6, 1, 81–99.

    61. P. J. Taylor, B. Derudder, and F. Witlox, ‘Comparing Airline Passenger Destinations With Global Service Connectivities: A Worldwide Empirical Study of 214 Cities’, Urban Geography, 2007, 28, 3, 232–48.

    62. C. Ducruet, D. Letri, and C. Rozenblat, ‘Cities in Worldwide Air and Sea Flows: A Multiple Networks Analysis’, Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography, 2011, 528.


    edited by John Harrison and Kathy Pain

    Part 1: Antecedents

    63. E. Howard, ‘The Future of London’, Garden Cities of Tomorrow (Swann-Sonnenschein & Co. Ltd, 1902), pp. 141–51.

    64. P. Geddes, ‘The Population Map and its Meaning’, Cities in Evolution (William & Norgate, 1915), pp. 25–45.

    65. J. Jacobs, ‘Introduction’, The Death and Life of Great American Cities (Random House, 1961), pp. 3–27.

    66. R. Dickinson, ‘The Regional Relations of the City’, City and Regions: A Geographical Interpretation (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1964), pp. 227–56.

    Part 2: Foundation Studies

    67. H. Molotch, ‘The City as a Growth Machine: Towards a Political Economy of Place’, American Journal of Sociology, 1976, 82, 2, 309–32.

    68. D. Harvey, ‘From Managerialism to Entrepreneurialism: The Transformation in Urban Governance in Late Capitalism’, Geografiska Annaler B, 1989, 71, 1, 3–18.

    69. N. Brenner, ‘Global Cities, "Glocal" States: Global City Formation and State Territorial Restructuring in Contemporary Europe’, Review of International Political Economy, 1998, 5, 1, 1–37.

    70. J. Allen, D. Massey, and A. Cochrane, ‘Where is the South East?’, in J. Allen, D. Massey, and A. Cochrane, Rethinking the Region (Routledge, 1998), pp. 32–61.

    Part 3: Planning for the Global City

    71. K. Olds and H. Yeung, ‘Pathways to Global City Formation: A View from the Developmental City-State of Singapore’, Review of International Political Economy, 2004, 11, 3, 489–521.

    72. A. Haila, ‘The Neglected Builder of Global Cities’, in O. Källtorp, I. Elander, O. Ericsson, and M. Franzen (eds.), Cities in Transformation—Transformation in Cities: Social and Symbolic Change of Urban Space (Ashgate, 1997), pp. 51–64.

    73. D. Young and R. Keil, ‘Reconnecting the Disconnected: The Politics of Infrastructure in the In-Between City’, Cities, 2010, 27, 2, 87–95.

    Part 4: Global City-Regions

    74. J. Gottmann, ‘Megalopolis or the Urbanization of the Northeastern Seaboard’, Economic Geography, 1957, 33, 3, 189–200.

    75. A. J. Scott, ‘Globalization and the Rise of City-Regions’, European Planning Studies, 2001, 9, 7, 813–26.

    76. G. C. S. Lin, ‘Service Industries and Transformation of City-Regions in Globalizing China: New Testing Ground for Theoretical Reconstruction’, in P. W. Daniels, K. C. Ho, and T. Hutton (eds.), Service Industries and Asia Pacific Cities: New Development Trajectories (Routledge, 2005), pp. 283–300.

    Part 5: Urban and Regional Governance

    77. M. Douglass, ‘Mega-Urban Regions and World City Formation: Globalisation, the Economic Crisis and Urban Policy Issues in Pacific Asia’, Urban Studies, 2000, 37, 12, 2315–35.

    78. K. Ward and A. Jonas, ‘Competitive City-Regionalism as a Politics of Space: A Critical Reinterpretation of the New Regionalism’, Environment and Planning A, 2004, 36, 12, 2119–39.

    79. S. Sassen, ‘The Global City: Strategic Site/New Frontier’, in L. Benería and S. Bisnath (eds.), Global Tensions: Challenges and Opportunities in the World Economy (Routledge, 2004), pp. 215–28.

    Part 6: Sustainability and Resilience of Cities in Globalization

    80. K. Morgan and R. Sonnino, ‘The Urban Foodscape: World Cities and the New Food Equation’, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 2010, 3, 2, 209–24.

    81. M. Hodson and S. Marvin, ‘Urban "Ecological Security": A New Urban Paradigm?’, International Journal of Regional and Urban Research, 2009, 33, 1, 303–25.

    82. E. Swyngedouw, ‘Metabolic Urbanization: The Making of Cyborg Cities’, in N. Heynen, M. Kaika, and E. Swyngedouw (eds.), In the Nature of Cities: Urban Political Ecology and the Politics of Urban Metabolism (Routledge, 2006), pp. 21–40.