184 Pages
    by Routledge

    210 Pages
    by Routledge

    First published in 2005. This beautifully illustrated book explores the reign of the Pharaoh Tutankhamen and Egyptian religion of his time. Tutankhamen's relation to the cults of Amen and Aten, the sun-god and Egyptian Monotheism are covered in depth, dispelling the many myths and inaccuracies which have arisen in the literature. Hymns are also presented in the book, in original hieroglyphs and in translation.

    Chapter 1 The Reign of Tut?nkh?men; Chapter 2 Tut?nkh?men and the Cult of ?men; Chapter 3 A Hymn to ?men and ?ten; Chapter 4 The Cult of ?ten, The God and Disk of The Sun, Its Origin, Development and Decline; Chapter 5 Development of the Cult of ?ten Under ?men?etep IV; Chapter 6 Hymns to ?ten; Chapter 7 1 See N. de G. Davies, The Rock Tombs of El Amarna, Vol. IV, pl. xxxii, xxxiii. The text is from the Tomb of ?pi at Tall al-‘Amârnah, with an addition from the tomb of Tutu; Chapter 8 1 See N. de G. Davies, op. cit., Vol. VI, pl. xxvii; Chapter 9 Hymns to the Sun-God; Chapter 10 Egyptian Monotheism;


    Ernest A. Wallis Budge