104 Pages
    by Routledge

    104 Pages
    by Routledge

    How Texts Work

    • explores the ways in which we categorize texts
    • reveals the limitations of some of the polarisations we use to categorize texts
    • analyzes a wide variety of texts from a range of genres and periods, from Ibsen's A Doll's House to an 18-30s brochure, Internet chatrooms and George Bush's September 11 speech
    • offers a step-by-step guide to approaching texts and structuring a response
    • can be used as both a course stimulus and a revision tool.

    Written by an experienced teacher, author and AS and A2 level examiner, How Texts Work is an essential resource for all students of AS and A2 level English Language, English Literature, and English Language and Literature.

    List of figures, Preface, Acknowledgements, 1. Reality and Representation, 2. Degrees of Planning, 3. Textual Purposes, 4. Public and Private Contexts, 5. Formality and Informality, 6. Literary and Non-Literary Aspects, Non-literary/literary texts: are they completely different?, Value terms, Suggestions for answer, References, Glossary


    Adrian Beard was until recently Head of English at Gosforth High School, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, and now works at the University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. He is a Chief Examiner for AS/A Level English Literature.

    'How Texts Work offers good ideas for introduction to language study, and a clear accessible framework for analysis.' - Jane Bluett, EnglishDramaMedia