Civic Republicanism is a valuable critical introduction to one of the most important topics in political philosophy. In this book, Iseult Honohan presents an authoritative and accessible account of civic republicanism, its origins and its problems. The book examines all the central themes of this political theory. In the first part of the book, Honohan explores the notion of historical tradition, which is a defining aspect of civic republicanism, its value and whether a continued tradition is sustainable. She also discusses the central concepts of republicanism, how they have evolved, in what circumstances civic republicanism can be applied and its patterns of re-emergence. In the second part of the book, contemporary interpretation of republican political theory is explored and question of civic virtue and participation are raised. What is the nature of the common good? What does it mean to put public before private interests and what does freedom mean in a republican state? Honohan explores these as well as other questions about the sustainability of republican thought in the kind of diverse societies we live in today. Civic Republicanism will be essential reading for students of politics and philosophy.

    Acknowledgements, Introduction, Part I The Historical Evolution of Republican Thought, Part II Contemporary Debates, Notes, Bibliography, Index


    Iseult Honohan

    'It admirably fulfils the series' stated intention to give a fresh account of the subject, while placing it in its historical context and offering the author's own distinctive contribution ... it is crisply written and clearly argued ... Honohan mounts a powerful critique of the idea that cultural nationalism is the necessary basis for political community ... excellent book.' - Paul Gillespie, The Irish Times

    'The excellent series edited by Jack Zipes, which offers sophisticated critical studies that challenge the canon and canonized readings of literature for children' - Choice