Ram S. Gupta Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Ram S. Gupta

Roger Williams University

Author of three textbooks: Principles of Structural Design, 2nd Ed.; Hydrology and Hydraulic Systems, 4th ed.; Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science, 2nd Ed., Fulbright Professor at IIT Kanpur, Rotary Scholar Professor at Kathmandu University, International Visiting Professor at Galgotias University. Principal, Delta Engineers, Inc., Bristol. Over 50 year of experience in academia and as practicing engineers in India, Australia, Liberia (Africa) and U.S.A.


Feb. 1981- Present:   Roger Williams University, Professor
Apr. 1984- Present:    Delta Engineers, President
Jan 1979- Feb. 1981   Center for Regional Technology, Research Fellow
Dec. 1973- Dec. 1978 Government of Liberia (Africa), Hydrology Expert
1972 Queensland Irrigation and Water Supply Commission, Australia, Colombo Plan Fellow
June 1964- 1972  Government of India, Planning Commission, Senior Research Officer


    Ph. D. Polytechnic University, New York, 1983
    Masters of Engineering, IIT Roorkee, 1966
    Bachelor of Engineering Honors, Jabalpur University, 1961

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Groundwater Modeling
    Small Hydropower Potential Assessment
    Structural Designs
    Geotechnical and Foundations

Personal Interests

    Published Poetry and Stories in Hindi (Indian Literature)
    Established a Sunday School at Brown University to teach Hindi Language and INdian Culture to Children


Featured Title
 Featured Title - Princ of Struc Design Wood, Steel, & Conc 3e - 3rd Edition book cover
